JUST KEEPING IT REAL Gen 40:20 And it came to past on the third - TopicsExpress


JUST KEEPING IT REAL Gen 40:20 And it came to past on the third day, Pharaohs BIRTHDAY, who proclaimed himself as a god. And on that day his baker was hanged. Herod also observed his birthday and on that day John the Baptists was beheaded. Lev 18:3 As they do in the land of Egypt where you dwelt, YOU SHALL NOT do. And you shall not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you. Neither shall you walk in their ordinances Why is it that Christians (believers) insist upon observing their birthdays when God says NOT TO DO THIS. I suggest that all Christian read and study the blessings and cursings in Deu 28. The first 14 verses God describes how to receive his blessings and 15-68 the curses for disobeying God. You shall have no other gods before (or in place of) Me. Deu 28:14 And you shall not go aside from any of the words which I command you today, to the right hand or the left; to go after other gods to serve them. Can any of you Believers (I dare to call you Christians) find any one of Gods righteous men or women keeping their birthdays? Please show me. Prove all thing so that we can hold fast to that which is good. Ill be waiting for the HATE MAIL. Oh its innocent. What could be wrong with keeping your birthday? God says, I HATE YOUR FEAST DAYS. I DESPISE YOUR SOLEMN ASSEMBLIES. God celebrates the death and not the life. Isnt thats what Passover is partly about: WE OBSERVE THE DEATH OF OUR LORD, the lamb of God. What kind of lamb are we? Never forget what is going to happen to the lukewarm: GOD WILL VOMIT (KJV says SPEW, same thing) THEM OUT OF HIS MOUTH. Remember Psa 51 Please do NOT cast me from your presence. Take not your holy spirit from me. Some may think that God will not take His Holy Spirit from them and WIPE their NAMES FROM OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE. Why gamble on Eternal life just because you THINK that they day that you were born was so special. OH, how highly one thinks of ones self. If we are to follow Christs example who NEVER kept His birthday then its time to REPENT AND PUT AWAY THOSE SILLY PAGAN TRADITIONS. Isa 58:1
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 05:01:45 +0000

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