JUST MY OPINION There has been a lot of debate in the - TopicsExpress


JUST MY OPINION There has been a lot of debate in the country regarding Vice President Guy scot acting as President for 90 days. The Zambian Voice has even decided to take this matter to court. I find this very unfortunate and wonder in whose interests they are doing so. Definatley not the Marjority Zambians citizens. First of all, I stand to be corrected, but I belive Guy scott is just acting and as such he has not be sworn in. He is merely acting for a specific period of 90 days. He is not the President. Before the zambian Voice and or indeed any other person whishes to go to court on this, I would advise them to seek Legal advice from Prominet Constitutional Lawyers such as Muna Ndulo in the USA or Professor Hasungule In RSA. As a matter of Fact, Muna Ndulo has already wrote an article on this. For the sake of peace, stability of this country, I would advise that this matter be taken to bed for now and we can bring in back when we discuss the new Constitution. The second item I would like to briefly discuss, is that of an article by ILunga wherein he talks about us forgong the Presiential by Election constitutionally. He argues that this can be archieved by agreement where the PF would be allowed to field a candidate and the rest of the Political parties doesn’t Field. Should such a thing happen, the ECZ, would declare the Presidential candidate unopposed and Declare that Person as the Elected President. This is a better way, when considering the costs of a by Election more especially to the Political Parties. I will be very costly to mount a Campaign without any guarantee whatsoever of victory. And any other party that could win the Election apart from PF would have problems in Governing as Parliament is dominated by the PF. Its either, New President will start poaching MPs from the PF or he will have to Disolve parliament and call for General Elections. The costs are Huge. Lets spare the funds for National Developmement and not these By Elections. This is the reson why Ilunga’s suggestion sounds good and is worthy serious Considerations by all Political players especialy if this is allowed in the constitutional provisions of the elections,i.e A candidate being declared President for being un opposed. I would support it. However, I would advise that certain conditions be agreed by the political players amoung others that: 1. The 2016 Elections be held under the New Constitution. 2. The Opposition be allowed to have a say on who the PF will field as a Presidentail Candidate that will not be opposed
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 08:46:46 +0000

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