JUST ONE MORE THING YOU SHOULD KNOW: just like RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION is a legal term. there is one more term I have used in the past and very much like. it called SUPERVISOR LIABILITY. SUPERVISOR LIABILITY: liable means guilty. supervisor liability means the supervisor has become guilty by association. and what I mean by association? lets just say there are 3 tears of employment at a store. the general manager, who is the boss. an assistant manger, who is 2nd in command. and then we have the laborers(cashiers and waitresses. now the general manager has a responsibility by law, to make sure everything is everything. but lets say the assistant manager is saying racial things to the one of the cashiers. she complains to the general manager(boss). he does nothing and allows it to continue. maybe because he like how the assistant manager gets his job done. well, not only is the assistant manager guilty of breaking discrimination laws. but the supervisor(boss), is now guilty because he allowed it to continue. and GOD is the same way. those he placed in a higher place of authority have a responsibility to protect ALL the people under them. lets just say a pastor has become aware a deacon has done something wrong. its his responsibility to address it and correct it. work place, politics, judges,policemen, grocery store managers, fast food restaurant mangers.. etc all under GOD have a responsibility to protect the weaker people under them. or answer to GOD. JUDGEMENT IS COMING. our time of exile is coming to an end. and the LORD will gather a remnant of the earth unto HIM. 1 Peter 2:9 King James Version (KJV) 9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 16:29:55 +0000

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