JUST SHOCKING!! BEFORE BEING BEHEADED BY THE JIHADIST IN SYRIA, THIS JOURNALIST WAS MADE TO READ OUT A LETTER TELLING AMERICANS TO FIGHT THE ‘REAL KILLER’ – THE US GOVERNMENT. James Foley was seen being beheaded by a jihadist, who spoke with a southern English accent, in a graphic video released on YouTube last night. The freelance journalist, who had been missing since November 2012, was made to read a letter to the American people telling them to fight ‘the real killer’. The journalist said: ‘I call on my friends, family and loved ones to rise up against my real killers – the US government. ‘For what will happen to me is only a result of their complacency and criminality.’ In a post released on Facebook today his mother Diane wrote: ‘have never been prouder of our son Jim. He gave his life trying to expose the world to the suffering of the Syrian people.’ She added: ‘We thank Jim for all the joy he gave us. He was an extraordinary son, brother, journalist and person. Please respect our privacy in the days ahead as we mourn and cherish Jim.’ YouTube have removed the video after social media viewers begged it to be removed due to its horrible and traumatising content.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 11:58:13 +0000

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