JUST WHAT COULD WE DO, IF WE UNLEASHED THE GOD WITHIN US. AUTISTIC GIRL - PERSONAL ARTICLE: Most are Autistic due to the poor gut bacteria that their mothers have from too many antibiotics they have taken in their lives that kill off the good GUT bacteria, and that are also found in most non organic meats too many people eat too much off: This bad gut bacteria is passed on to the child. Also, GUT bacteria in the child is badly effected due to the very bad Vaccines that babies get too many off in their first few months and years of life. Mix this with all the very bad baby food that too many mothers feed them, rather than good healthy whole foods that they should be getting. The bad chemicals that are especially put into vaccines, baby food and used to produce a lot of the ingredients in the baby foods (different GMO foods mixed in the GUT and the chemical pesticides that are used with these foods, all effect our gut bacteria and other areas of our health in terrible ways.) Also, bad drinks that most are feed now, turn a lot of the childs bacteria to be more bad than good. This makes the babys GUT produce toxins that get into its blood. The Child then develops mental and physical problems. Other bad chemicals in the vaccines and food damage a lot of the Childs DNA also compounding or creating other mental and physical problems along with the toxins the bad bacteria are producing. The damaged DNA is what is coursing most of the physical disabilities for these children and holding them back from being able to do some amazing things. Those that allow themselves to free themselves of this limiting condition under some instances; one example of how this can be done is: one was hypnotised and told that they could now play some Mozart on the piano like a master. They got up out of their wheel chair and started to play like a professional, who had been learning and playing the piano their entire life. Before this child had never had any piano lessons, never had normal schooling etc... They had been a prisoner of their wheel chair, with only their parents to look after their every need! When you hypnotise very receptive patients you are temporarily opening up a lot of the higher strands of DNA that are normally held dormant in the central spiral. But for these kind of children that were meant to be very powerful and developed indigos, they already had most of their 12, 24 or 48 strands of DNA developed but damaged by all the bad toxins and other chemicals I have talked about, making them deformed, but still very intelligent! Hypnotising them is one way that their DNA can temporarily heal itself and let them express their full potential. Most people need to be hypnotised over many months to develop another ability that normally would have take them many years of learning; like learning the piano, to play like a grand master Pianist! Hopefully soon, with the correct help by a large number of people backing the right people, a few knowledgeable people could get a good percentage of these children to be normal again. It just will take society to wake up enough to allow a few people with the correct wide range and high end knowledge that is out there to help many less fortunate souls have a good life... there are several ways to help them! If only modern medicine in general was good and had the answers to most modern health problems! The cures for most of what effects our modern unhealthy society, is out there. If only people knew and then passed this information out to those that need it: Better yet, society changed to make life, so that we ate correctly and healthy nutrient rich foods, so that we did not have all these problems in the first place. Also, it needs to be setup for so many of us to not be deliberately Stressed and Abused in so many ways. Sadly, it is setup for most to fail, get stressed about loosing our house due to not being able to keep payments up, loosing our way of life and or family due to not being able to keep a job that stops them paying as in the U.S. their health insurance and falling seriously ill due to not getting any emergency health care etc., and get unhealthy due to all bad chemicals in all our food, drink and vaccines to name just a few of the deliberately negative things that are organised to make us as often as not, stressed, weak and ill!; that sadly most do not see or care to see. If most were not so service to self (less sociopathic) and could see things correctly, that sadly most can not from my experience in life, we could all start to live a happy and prosperous existence, like we once did. - I hope soon that more people will see that most Doctors can not help most people, as they do not know how to and that society is not setup to be good for most of us, in most ways?... I have had a good hands on experience of how bad some countries are setup to work against every, from my nearly 7 years in Brazil, that has been a living hell, due to the way everything is nearly turned to work against you in the worst of ways. When sufficient people wake up and do something to get the others to see things correctly, then we can change the world to be a better place: as the Egyptians did recently in taking control of their country from the evil that is out there doing all it can to hold us all back. More need to wake up soon! See my other post further down on Anorexia (posted: 22 November at 13:10), for some good information on how to heal the GUT... For much more information on healing your GUT and developing yourself to have paranormal powers or for you to be able to play the piano when you have never had a lesson in your life, you will need to see some of my other posts to open up your mind and then read my book, Transformation. to get most of all your other questions, answered. Out later next year. https://youtube/watch?v=tcMnhwE6Gcc
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 15:49:20 +0000

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