JUSTIFIED Brothers and sisters, long ago, a most beautiful angel - TopicsExpress


JUSTIFIED Brothers and sisters, long ago, a most beautiful angel was very pleasing in our Father’s eyes, so much so, that he was given great knowledge, power and free will. Our Father had done this to have one who could understand why His thoughts are as they are and always shall be. But instead, the great knowledge and free will worked against this idea. This angel did become advanced in knowledge and wisdom, so much so, that he decided that he knew more than our precious God. The angel then decided that he should be in charge and lead in his own ways rather than follow in our Father’s true and perfect ways. This angel we now know as Satan. He then began to try to justify himself to all of the angels in Heaven. He told them they should follow after Him and not our Holy Father. There was then a great disturbance in the Holy peace of Heaven. Our Father could have taken free will at that time from Lucifer as Satan was known in Heaven but He is not one to force us to love Him and understand Him. So, as to justify His Holy reign over all of His creation and to be fair to all, He then cast Satan to earth with a full third of the angels who had been tricked into following this fallen angel. God then began a great and complex plan and put it into action, the plan of a just salvation that all may see and know how great His knowledge and compassion are. Sin then was upon the earth along with the plan of salvation and our free will. Brothers and sisters, we are as we are with great purpose. Let us work hard to help justify our Lord in His commandments, His ways of love, grace and mercy. I say, even though we fall prey to that fallen angel from time to time, let us get back up and dust ourselves off. Let us, with our gift of free will, continue the struggle to reach our Lord, and in this we shall help to justify our Father. Justify not your wrong doings. Repent, ask for forgiveness and accept His grace. If we continue to choose our Father over the fallen angel, will we not justify our God and all that transpires here in this world? For all shall see that our Father could not be more just or more right. Our gift of free will can bring us closer to our loving Creator or take us farther away from Him. Please, I beg of you, brothers and sisters, understand and choose good over evil. Every day on this planet the good fight justifies our Father over and over so many times in an hour that we could not possibly count them all. "Sweet God of Heaven and all of your creations, please continue to forgive us with your amazing grace and love. Bless us, O Holy Father, for we do choose to follow your righteous and narrow path. With the free will you have given us, let it be that we shall continue to justify and testify of your great power, grace, love and compassion for us. Bless us as we walk the narrow and righteous path for it is for our own good, as you know. We are but your children and as we grow, we continually gain new understanding of what is good for us and that which is not, for you have taken care of our every need." In Jesus name, Amen. Friends, is our Father not justified in giving and taking away our souls, for after all, He is our Creator and to Him all is owed? How just and sweet is our Maker to establish for us a realm of love, compassion, kindness and of all good things. So, let it be known that as Christians and inhabitants of this world, with our own free will we choose to be with our God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for eternity, knowing that He is a just and loving God, our Father and our Friend. Let us help to justify Jesus, our Savior. How much has Christ given of Himself to show the example of holiness and of love; to show us that there is a right and wrong and the consequences of each. Holiness is as food, water and air to our bodies and souls that we may live, while unholiness is as a disease that our body cannot survive and will ultimately die from. Friends. I pray your free will serves you well and you justify not sin but our Father’s ways of holiness in Heaven and on earth where our trust and faith not only reward us but justify our Lord’s glory in the highest and our wonderful and blessed existence. I JOHN 1:9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Proverbs 24:16 "For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again; but the wicked shall fall into mischief." Isaiah 26:7-8 "The way of the just is uprightness: thou, most upright, dost weigh the path of the just. Yea, in the way of thy judgements, O Lord, have we waited for thee; the desire of our soul is to thy name, and to the remembrance of thee." Jerry Grable February 2006 giventowrite.webs/
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 12:20:14 +0000

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