Jack and Kamla are best of friends, or should I say - TopicsExpress


Jack and Kamla are best of friends, or should I say fiends? Kamla is depending on the ILP to facilitate a “run-off” in marginal constituencies and knowing the character of those two by their track-record of wheeling, dealing and immoral compromise…expect the unfolding of a carefully thought-out sinister plan executed with one thing and one thing in mind, the reinstatement of the UNC to further destroy our culture and way of life. The selling-out of state enterprises after 4 years of mismanagement and deliberate neglect, the further marginalization of tens of thousands of citizens and increased ethnic divide will culminate in civil unrest and bloodshed under the further “governance” of the Cabal-led UNC and their bastard child the COP. We can no longer depend on any sort of dignity in governance and high public office for good examples, as thieves and con-men void of decency, integrity and conscience throw their hats into the political ring hoping that through opportunity, advantage can be had….advantage on a populace that they believe to be stupid and coward….so they think. While Gopeesingh continues to bask in the sunshine of southern academic success, coyly boasting while making comparisons to UNC neglected areas, he fails to acknowledge the effects that marginalization, victimization and corruption has on the national psyche...especially the youth, the disadvantaged ones who witness daily the lack of accountability and arrogance fostered and encouraged by the ruling party. The worst examples are set at the very top of our society. And while the glorified security guard Gary Griffith struts the halls of parliament all feathered like a peacock, disenchanted youths leave our shores to fight for another cause …. the question the moron should be asking is, “ Isn’t Trinidad and Tobago an even greater cause to many? ”..many that have been discriminated against since May 2010…lost jobs and homes and cars and everything that they had been building over the years… many who had been told that there would be no discrimination based on race and geography, only to see that even their children’s schools have been neglected by the government and a toothless National Parents and Teachers Association, T&TUTA. The minister of Health states that mental illness and persons needing psychiatric help has increased tremendously, he has failed to state though the obscene rise over the last 4 years. So when Jack speaks of the “Real UNC” that he so loves, one must ask oneself what it would take for him to return…to return from a place that he never really left… Didn’t all the marginalization and divisive politics exist while he assumed various portfolios until their planned exit? Or would he embrace the “real” UNC after they shed their skins with the firing and relocation of some of their dummies before the next general election, and when this takes place can anyone be vexed with him if he sides with his long lost friends, like the prodigal son….? I can hear the eco of “HOME” coming from the mouth of the woman who promised so much before may 2010 to a populace vulnerable to a heavily armed and oiled propaganda machine. Can this alleged scamp be trusted with citizens votes, much more with monies from the treasury…remember his first act as minister of National Security in Mon Desir? And so…the mephisto waltz of Jack and Kamla, never-ending BFF’s in crime begins as the ILP states that they will contest 23 seats in the next general election…a dance that will see one to her political grave and the other, a jail cell. I ask myself how foolish we seem to appear to them and their biased, narrow-minded followers. Apparently they believe that we are deaf, dumb and blind because if they had any sense at all they would know that in the interest of the country and ALL of its citizens…they should leave in peace, but then that would require characters filled with dignity, respect, a sense of justice and equality… none of which the UNC and the ILP possess for with the aforementioned, shame would have resulted thus far and as the evidence proves…they have none. I can hear them in their secret meetings…Kamla saying: Jack be nimble, Jack be quick…Jack jump over the candle stick….but no set of necromancy or offerings to fallen angels will dominate the rule of Almighty God and in this praying nation, persons have made their minds up to get off their knees afterward to vote. Drag your bow Mr. Fiddler!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 13:03:39 +0000

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