Jack had been admitted into Bch for a month this time 3 years - TopicsExpress


Jack had been admitted into Bch for a month this time 3 years ago.. In the last week of that month Id faced lots of professionals in the bid to get weekend home leave for jack... Jack wasnt fully aware at this time but over the time spent on ward 10 up until now I had taken over all jacks care needs.. No nurse changed his bed sheets daily but me.. No nurse fed him ,cleaned him or cared for him, I took back my claim on my little boy he was my responsibility now no one elses... It had to be that way... I noticed on the 3rd weekend children were going home and coming back on Mondays.. I wanted to know when it would be realistic for us to do that now that jack was medically stable even though still in a coma and not fully aware... Jack would only wake and thrash around then sleep... Jack was still tube fed even though he ate soft foods from a spoon something Id worked hard at during the long days being admitted into Bch. I had it In my head I needed to get my boy home... I wasnt taking the same little boy home with me and that scared the shit out of me but I went withit just knowing I had to... I spoke to the ward sister first said Id noticed others going home and when will we be able to do that? The ward sister explained that it would be possible in time and that it takes time as my house would need assessment tomake sure it would suit jacks needs before I was allowed to take jack home I was deflated but not deterred... I asked how to start that process she told me his dr at Bch would have to declare jack medically fit and authorise the process. I thanked her and waited.. I asked every person that came to jacks bedspace if they would object to us going home on weekends.. After explaining that I could have mattress on floor downstairs sorted before we got home and that I would only have to liftjack up one step outside our house which is where we would spend the weekend they all agreed it was the right thing to do... I just needed to see the dr now... Finally see the dr and she too agrees that I should take jack home and Omg they agreed to that weekend if I could get the forms sorted signed and his medication and tube feeds sorted for then. it was already Wednesday ... After much chasing and sorting the ward sister I first approached came to sort our discharge on the for the weekend on the Friday... She congratulated me on the fact that she had never known the process go so quickly and no one takes their child home in. Y circumstances so soon and without home assessment but your word has been your honour be very proud of yourself mom... As I got into the ambulance to take jack home that weekend I was petrified... It was the worst weekend of my life reality but the start of a will to want a lot more than what jack was getting .... At home I had more freedom to help jack at the hospital I realised even though he was in the best place medically, mentally and physically he needed to be at home... That weekend was the weekend the real fight began going back to Bch even after such a hard weekend felt like going back to chains.... We were restricted for jacks safety.... It wasnt what he needed only I could fight for that ... And fight I did..... To be continued......
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 09:21:14 +0000

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