Jack was discharged from the MCCG Trauma Unit today at noon. I - TopicsExpress


Jack was discharged from the MCCG Trauma Unit today at noon. I cant express how thankful I am to God for sparing his life. The definition of GRACE is unmerited favor, or to get something that one does not deserve. Why Gods grace spared my childs life and not the lives of others, I will never know. Jack was not wearing a seatbelt. His arm got trapped between the window and the frame as the truck flipped several times. The truck took out 2 concrete entrances and landed on his arm. When he came to, his phone was next to him and he dialed 911. He was trapped and moved his fingers until they were numb. He tried digging it out with a tool. A man tried to help, but couldnt. Praise God for the Laurens volunteer fire department and Laurens EMS. They had boards and shovels and were able to lift the Dodge Ram off of my babys arm. He said he felt the rush of heat to his hand as it filled back up with blood. After an ambulance ride to FPH where he spent a little time, I was notified by Jack and he then was taken to the MCCG Trauma ER in Macon. Beside the fact there were people lined up on stretchers, Jack was taken back immediately because he had a syncope episode with nausea and his O2 saturation dropped to 68 and his bp bottomed out. He was rushed to the trauma room. Jack has a concussion that has caused temporary hearing loss in his left ear, and rhabdomyolysis (can occur in trauma where muscle tissue breaks down and gets in the blood and can damage the kidneys) and received 4 L of fluids IV for the rhabdo, and he was monitored for compartment syndrome. I am so grateful, but my heart also hurts for those who have lost children to accidents. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:9
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 22:30:59 +0000

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