Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance/Nationalist Fighter, Enemy - TopicsExpress


Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance/Nationalist Fighter, Enemy of Israel and Infiltrator of the Jewish Community A Plea To A Rabbi To Guard His Community Against Our Enemies, The Enemies of Eretz Yisrael. In addition to reading this letter, I would like people to first read the story of Yanai Ha Melech, the evil Canaanite king who the Sanhedrin were too afraid to chastise, but later endured the wrath of Hashem for their failure to do so: Shimon ben Shatah was a nasi (prince). His great dignity obligated him to undertake somber tasks. There was once a slave of King Yanai that had committed murder. The king therefore had to appear before the Sanhedrin. He had a throne brought into the antechamber adjacent to the Holy Temple, and on it he sat. Therefore Shimon ben Shatah told him, “Arise King Yanai, not before us, but before the Master of the world, Who has said, ‘Then the … men who have the grievance shall stand before the L-RD’ [Deuteronomy 19:17].” The king replied, “It is not what you say, son of Shatah, that I will do. I will do what the other judges decide.” The judges formed a semi-circle on both sides of the king. Shimon ben Shatah turned his attention to the right, but the judges on his right did not dare uphold the truth because of their fear of the king. They lowered their heads and looked to the ground. Shimon ben Shatah looked to the left, but those on his left also lowered their heads to the ground. Therefore Shimon ben Shatah said, “You fear a man more than G-d? Therefore may the One Who knows all thoughts bring upon you the punishment you deserve.” And thus G-d sent an angel and those judges who were afraid of the king immediately died. The new Sanhedrin formulated a religious decree according to which no king could henceforth be called before a court (Sanhedrin 19a). Even before he became a prince, Shimon ben Shatah promised himself that if he ever attained this high position, he would remove evildoers who deserved death from among the people of Israel (Yerushalmi, Sanhedrin 6:6). My Letter To The Rabbi: Dear Rabbi, I apologize for beating this subject to death... Ive been deeply troubled about my experience with this Jacob Rosenblum and have taken it upon myself to do some research about this guy and find out more about him. I knew from our short confrontation that he was no ordinary liberal leftist type of Jew. When he told me he was a member of BDS and a good friend of Rachel Corrie, I knew this guy was indoctrinated and on a mission to fight for a cause. After doing an internet search and locating all types of information about him I was able to find several articles, including letters, videos and articles. I have an entire group of letters he wrote while he was in Israel and what he calls Palestine (West Bank, Chevron, Bethlehem, etc). After devoting some time to reading his letters and learning about him I see this guy has a serious agenda and has been on a mission for over the last decade. In fact, this good Jew who you think you are helping in your synagogue is actually taking advantage of you. He is using you to help himself be portrayed as a Good Jew to promote his cause to bring the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people. To be exact, and let me be clear, this guy is not a Jew (in my eyes), but a Palestinian Freedom Fighter who portrays himself as a Jew in order to be more convincing and coercing. He emanates a persona of peace, love, tranquility and some shomerness. What real Jew would join sides with his enemy and belittle, berate and denigrate his own people and nation, constantly, as he does? His Jewishness is nothing but a fabrication, a well orchestrated performance. Maybe, he thinks of himself as an ethnic Jew and is humored by his Jewish traditions, many which he claims he learned from his Anti-Israel Reformed female rabbi. However, his outward Jewishness is much a facade to divert his inward hatred of Judaism and Israel, yet inspire his compassion, sympathy and love to the enemies of Israel and Jewish people. I have learned his techniques and tactics from his long set of letters! This guy is very vocal! He loves to be heard, but probably doesnt think people like me will locate his published memoirs. Im making hard copies of all his letters, in case he decides to change the privacy settings or removes them from the google groups where they are published. The beginning of my investigation of Jacob Rosenblum was going to his facebook page and seeing the long list of Islamist and Anti-Israel friends he has hidden among all the Jewish friends. As you know he traveled to Iran with his very Anti-Israel/Pro-Shia Iranian friend Leila Zand, who is nothing less than a terrorist in my eyes. She is a great supporter of a nuclear Iran and promotes the boycott and destruction of Israel. This is the person who he traveled around Iran with and probably assured his safety in a country very hostile to Jews. My investigation continued and I then found a video of a very liberal Jewish organization in Portland, OR, called J-Street, who recorded a video of a speech Jacob made. In this video he talks about his dear friend Rachel Corrie who he claims was brutally murdered by the Israelis. He goes on to saying her murder was the inspiration of him becoming a Palestinian nationalist and activist. Now, I can see why he became hostile to me when I started trashing Corrie, as the two were very close. What he calls her murder, was the start of his career to fight against Israel and defend the cause of the Arabs. If you watch the video you will see how he discusses about using his Birthright trip as a deceptive means for him to get into Gaza. He tried very hard to get into Gaza on his trip to Israel , but failed and instead went to the West Bank. He wanted to go join hands with Hamas and the terrorist groups in Gaza (via ISM organizations) and join their side against Israeli strikes. He says his mission now is to bring Jewish people to the West Bank to meet Palestinians and learn of how great of people they are. Dont be surprised if one of these Jewish people is a member (attendee) of your synagogue, as he is influential! https://facebook/video/video.php?v=10150881757618386 Well, obviously, I have learned a lot about Jacob from just watching his videos and viewing his facebook page. However, I still wondered what was really going on in his mind and what he was thinking. That is when I stumbled across a bunch of his memoirs of his trip to what he calls Israel/Palestine, in which he spent most of his time in the West Bank. All I can say is I am blown away from reading his letters of his hatred for Israel, Jews, Settlers and his love, admiration and idolization of the Palestinians who he refers to as the most kind, loving , peaceful and dignified people. However, reading his various letters I built a consensus of his thoughts of Israelis who were usually held in contempt or even vilified as barbaric. For example, he describes the Palestinians in Chevron (which he refers to as Palestine) as kind, loving, peaceful pacifists, but the Jews as barbarians who oppress and terrorize the innocent Arabs. I hope you read these letters.. The letters in [JakeIsraelPalestine] are the ones of his trip to Israel, including the West Bank. I have provided links to each letter.. Just know if you tell him about these letters that he may delete them from the google groups at any time. I, myself, am making copies of the letters and going to post them on several Jewish forums and share them with other Jewish friends who are supporters of Israel. Rabbi, I apologize for having to bring this issue to you, but I feel it is my duty as a Jew, who loves his people and his community to protect them against those who wish us harm. I know you have only the best intentions in your heart, but I also believe there is a time when must challenge members of our own community, as their intentions are ultimately to bring harm, not good to the Am Yisrael and the Jewish people. I dont come to you even as a member of your synagogue now, but as a Jewish brother. Im making my plea that you confront Jacob with his anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian fanaticism and see that he either make teshuva from it or have him leave, because a community cannot function safely with a Palestinian Terrorist in its midst. Yes, not all Palestinian terrorists have to be Arabs, there can certainly be Jewish ones as well. Some of the worst enemies we Jews have had over the years, sadly have been Jews, themselves. Please remember the three kidnapped boys which we all gave LChaims and prayers to in the synagogue. In my eyes, people like Jacob are responsible for the kidnapping of these three innocent Jewish children by supporting these Palestinian barbarians. In fact, Jacob attempted to go to Gaza to eat, drink and befriend these same terrorists who have kidnapped and murdered Jewish men, women and children. Jacob is a supporter of the murder of innocent Jewish souls for his support of Palestinian terrorists. These are the letters Jacob wrote during his trip to share with his ISM and radical Anti-Israel friends of his mission. Of course, every good foot soldier or radicalized zealot needs to gain recognition for his/her deeds. These letters are what Jacob shared to his compatriots during his journey and mission to defend who he calls the Peace-Loving Palestinian people against what he calls the Oppressing/Demeaning/Brutalizing Israeli government.. The titles listed are the titles he used for his letters. Baruch Haba https://groups.google/forum/#!topic/jacobswritings/d14zli1nGjU Stepping https://groups.google/forum/#!topic/jacobswritings/bi9SY3LE_6E Three for Free https://groups.google/forum/#!topic/jacobswritings/7NdVoqk7PqI Tradition & Traicion the Ivri https://groups.google/forum/#!topic/jacobswritings/uZHzrDcUha8 Bleed for Palestine https://groups.google/forum/#!topic/jacobswritings/_yauXmKtHmI Dvarim Tfuzim https://groups.google/forum/#!topic/jacobswritings/u-qZsRioZRo Whats Left https://groups.google/forum/#!topic/jacobswritings/QNv3Cdhbzfs Behar Dvar https://groups.google/forum/#!topic/jacobswritings/WN9UrjuJbW0 A Shabbos Thought https://groups.google/forum/#!topic/jacobswritings/-Y27TuKearY https://facebook/jazzinjake?fref=ts
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 06:42:48 +0000

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