Jacob Tatlıcı month of Muharram chat HZ . Husseins martyrdom - TopicsExpress


Jacob Tatlıcı month of Muharram chat HZ . Husseins martyrdom and Ashura TODAY 10 Muharram 1426 ... The greatest of creatures that 1426 years have passed since the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina göçüşünden ... Today, the 10th of Muharram ... Today Ashura ... Today, my dear grandson, Husseins glory in the universe , martyred in Karbala on the day ... 1365 years ago today ... What was the Supreme Nebi : Hussein is a light that conveys accurate ... Hussein ship of salvation ... Hussein from me ... Ben Hussein ... My flesh is meat ... Blood, blood ... Hussein , who loves ... Allah loves those who love him ... Nebi Almighty said: After me leave you with two luggage . Them aim the way . Someone other competent beytim Koran ... Still , he said: My people of the beytim , Fatima, Ali , Hasan and Hussein ... His cloak thrown over them , and entered into their own in the ... Âbada were called Ahl-i . The Prophet , roads custody before the appearance of the beyond was reached and parents ... Was observed in Trans ... Nur nur beyond, came after him , and he saw and remarks Nur ... Nebilim began ... Trans was seeing . Then the de was an instrument of God s command came and ... Resullah said ... Said he conveyed to the public ... Resisted the interests of those who fear would go to stop ... Mute the truth and wanted to silence him . They tried every way ... Resistance has not stopped ringing and took command of a real ... Abode of displaced temporarily migrated to another . Then he came back to reality and the hostel was opened. Was Fatah . After the conquest of Mecca by some Muslim ones, did not believe in his heart ... They were not a believer ... Muslim münafıklardı they appear ... Hussein ... Hussein ... Hussein, believing that if they did kıyarlar EVER ? Doğrarlar is the supreme human flesh , the blood was akıtırlar desert of Karbala ? What was the Supreme Nebi : Hussein meat flesh, blood of my blood ... Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet ... Fatima, the mother of ... His father, Ali ... Ali Allah lion ... Ali s father land ... Nebi the word of the Almighty : Ali ! Let me Nisbet Nisbet Aaron as Moses . Has a distinction that no Nabi after me ... The greatest of prophets in the Holy Prophet Muhammad the last of creatures . But its veliliği , Ali took . Ali , the Protector of God . Başbuğudur their parents .... Custody named Ali Shah -i ... Ali, Hassan and Hussein could ride the roads has custody . The secret of Karbala KERBELA a mystery ... As we know , the war against hypocrisy faith and the blood of this war and their relatives living in the soil to reach the supreme believer . Can not forget this day ? No, I remember this day . Hussein . Today was a chieftain of the martyrs were killed . Hussein, the pure Islam, ... Iman Hussein pure ... And today is the day of the search line imanlarımızda purity . Hail to the Most High Elder Nebiye ... Hail to the Shah of parents ... Hail Sultan of Martyrs ... Peace be upon those who are killed in the Way of Allah sentence ... Namik Kemal ZEYBEK Translator Newspaper 02/19/2005 AFTER HZ.İMÂM Husseins Martyrdom AFTER HZ.İMÂM Husseins Martyrdom 1 Life after Husseins martyrdom Hz.İmâm Events and Ahl al-Bayt How Generation Continues ? After the martyrdom of Hussein in Karbala Hz.İmâm ; Yazid s army Ahl al -Bayt where tents were assaulted and killed the surviving Hz.İmâm Zeynel Abidin wanted to . But when Hz.Zeynep mania gave up this work . Hussein Hz.İmâm genealogies, Hz.İmâm Zeynel Abidin walks for Adam -i Ali Aba , he was called . After the tragedy of Karbala Ahl al-Bayt and taken to Damascus, Zine El Abidine Hz.İmâm ; Masjids orator descendants of Abu Sufyan praise , Hz.İmâm Hz.İmâm Hussein Ali and Yazid on to say bad words about ; I will get in the pulpit of Allah , the People of the parliament will be inflicting reward , will you let me tell you a few words ? Buyurmuşlardı . Yazid , but did not want to allow people of Hijaz meclistekiler fesâhatini (nice to talk to ) say they want to hear when they insisted , was forced to allow . Zine El Abidine Hz.İmâm on it , praise be to Allah and He -ü Senada grace the pulpit , Hz.Resûlullah a and Ahl al- Bayt What salat -u selâmdan commanded declare the following sermon : O people , six of us were given something and ate something outstanding : Science , Hili , generosity, eloquence , bravery , and given our love was bestowed hearts of believers . Chosen Prophet Muhammad from us ; her first implements , which manifests faith first Ali , Jafar Tayyar and Resûlünün Lions of Allah and the Ummah Hamza , two grandchildren ( both good nation would act as the Messenger of Allah , which continues to the descendants of the two sons of his grandson ) and the Antichrist I will kill the al-Mahdi from us , them was bestowed us with an authority superior to anyone else . Recognizes that knows me , knows no peeling is - sopumu ll call it : O my people! Its me, the son of Mecca with Medina . Its me, the son of Safa Zemzemle . Its at the foot of abâsının son Hacer - Esvedi carrier . Its better than anyone else , a better son who EDA style Hajj ceremony . Its me, the most auspicious and whether the SA carrying out a real son of Tawaf . Its me, the good and the true Haccedip « Lebbeyk » son of styrene . Its me, Buraka Son of the network of the sky ride . My son at night Mescidül - Haram Mescidül - Aqsa Vara . My son Gabriel in ZATIK Sidretül - Münteha up . Its about , Come Close , closer , the two remained until the spring , or even closer » ZATIK son called . Its me, the angels in heaven, the son of prayer . My , God wished his son revealed to him . Its me, the son of Muhammad Mustafa . My son Aliyyül Mürtezanın . Its me, do it on the public worship of God there is no other son to war . Its me, the Messenger of Allah who fought with two swords in the presence of the enemy, who hit two spear twice, Gocek, two beyatte the beyat Whoever , afflicted , Huneynde one fighting , even the God of his eyes, stared up associating partners with Allah , Entertaining timates Salih , heir to the prophets , religious bidah who puts dig roots , Muslim lover is imposed , painstaking attention to wars , those who worship zînetinin , ağlayanlara sabırlıların crowning the sabırlısının , the Messenger of the Lord of Heavens Yasin ( Muhammad ) who is a descendant , worship nights located in the top of the patients who had , Gabriel in the hardened Mikâille help the dreamer s son. Son of the Muslim harem protect in the religion those who reject Faith and unjust indeed , son killed beyatten go and break his oath . Its me, the son of Zahra Fatımâtüz , my , son of the nation of women .... Zeynel Abidin Hz.İmâm this sermon ; Yazid was doing well , and kıyamını Hz.İmâm Hussein , as the basis of religion , as well as the power of faith , truth and greatness showed Yazid aghast warnings , most made her cry , Masjids air estirmişti a riot . After the tragedy of Karbala from Medina Ahl al-Bayt ; Told the people of Medina events , especially his sister Hz.Zeyneb Hz.İmâm Hussein s eloquence and belâgatları , had caused the people to turn against the Umayyads . After that, it did not stop at all the events and battles . On the one hand Ahl al- Bayt heart and soul lovers , after the incident of Karbala who sacrificed their lives on the road gladly . Yazid s army on the other side without stopping continued persecution and cruelty . Thus the Right and Bâtılın The struggle will continue till the Day of Judgment . Zeynel Abidin Hz.İmâm the Ahl al-Bayt generation ; Continued until the Twelfth Imam . Twelve Twelfth Imam Imam Muhammad Mahdi to be complete mystery . After that, Ahl al-Bayt and the twelve Imams descendants , generation to generation cuttings and will continue until the Day of Judgment . 2 Twelve Imam Who Are They? Twelve Imam , respectively, are as follows: First Imam : Hz.İmâm Ali ( the Prophets cousin and son ) Second Imam : Hz.İmâm Hasan ( son of Ali Hz.İmâm ) Third Imam : Hz.İmâm Hussein ( the son of Ali Hz.İmâm ) Fourth Imam : Hz.İmâm Zine El Abidine ( Hz.İmâm Husseins son) Fifth Imam : Hz.İmâm Muhammad Baqir ( Hz.İmâm Zeynel Abidins son) Sixth Imam : Hz.İmâm Câferüs Sadiq ( Muhammad Bakir Hz.İmâm son) Seventh Imam : Musa Hz.İmâm Kazim -i ( Hz.İmâm Câferüs Sadiq s son) Eighth Imam : Hz.İmâm Aliyyür Rızâ ( Hz.İmâm Musa Kazim -i- son) The Ninth Imam : Hz.İmâm Muhammad Taqi ( Hz.İmâm Aliyyür Reza s son) The Tenth Imam : Hz.İmâm Aliyyün Naki ( Hz.İmâm Thaci Muhammad s son) Eleventh Imam : Hz.İmâm Hasanül Military ( Hz.İmâm Aliyyün Nakînin son) The Twelfth Imam : Hz.İmâm Mahdi ( Hz.İmâm Hasanül Askari s son) Gaybubet ( Pos )
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 09:13:44 +0000

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