Jacob and Rachel - The Greatest Love Story Ever Told One of the - TopicsExpress


Jacob and Rachel - The Greatest Love Story Ever Told One of the greatest love letters ever written was from God to human. Sadly, it is one of the most unread love letters. This Love letter is called the Holy Bible. The Bible encompasses some of the most fantastic love stories ever told. One of the most inspiring love stories in the Bible is that of lovebirds Jacob and Rachel. Sincerely, it is the greatest love narratives of all times. Since creation, the love shared between Jacob and Rachel remains to be the most truthful and solid between husband and wife. How could such a significant figure in the history of the Bible patiently labor for fourteen years because of just a mere bush girl? Who can emulate this father of the 12 tribes of Israel by laboring for only 2 hours without nitpicking? I guess none. Despite the fact that Jacob “the supplanter” –Or the grabber as his name denotes – had grabbed his elder brother’s birthright, he toiled for 7 years slaving for his ungrateful uncle. In fact, I am sure he would have grabbed Rachel if in any case it pleased him to do so, but instead, he opted not to elope but wait patiently. Significantly, after the agreed 7 years was over, his uncle unappreciatively swapped Rachel for his eldest daughter Leah and gave her to Jacob. Thank God it wasn’t me. I would have enjoyed strangling that imperceptive Laban without summoning my second thought. Imagine this, after all the wait, Jacob discovered that the woman in the wedding gown was not his love Rachel. It was Leah. Due to customary reasons, Jacob was told he could not marry a girl whose elder sister was a spinster. The man was told to toil for an additional 7 years if indeed he was serious about marrying Rachel. While still married to Leah, the man suffered for an additional 7 years and Rachel was fully his. How did these lovers meet? In fact, it was love at first sight. Isaac had sent his son Jacob to a kin’s family to find a wife for himself. No sooner had he arrived at his uncle’s house, than he bumped into Rachael at the well. He felt something strong for her and he single handedly uncovered the well by removing the huge stone covering the well’s mouth reason being, to impress his newly found love Rachel. What about the lovers of nowadays, whenever they meet a girl, they start showing of t heir wallets. They are bankrupt of lyrics. Women love not the person but what is inside the pocket of the person. How I wish women would judge men not by looking at the fatness of their bank accounts but, but by looking at their hearts. Albert Nyakundi Amenya - Banana Pedlar, the County of Kisii (Kitutu Chache)
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 13:13:11 +0000

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