Jacquie Denison tagged me for the FB Book game! In your status, - TopicsExpress


Jacquie Denison tagged me for the FB Book game! In your status, list 10 books that have stayed with you in some way. Dont take more than a few minutes and do not think too hard. They do not have to be the right books or great works of literature, just ones that have affected you in some way. Tag 10 friends including me so I can see your list. Here are mine, in no particular order: 1. Stephen King - No specific book, but I wasnt much of a reader WAY back in high school but I always read his books. So I guess you could maybe say hes who get me started reading for enjoyment and not because it was a book we had to read for English class. I have read most of his books with the exception of some of his newer ones hes published since his accident. I always found something that intrigued me or that I liked about every book Ive read with the exception of Under the Dome, I thought the ending was stupid. :) 2. Harry Potter series by JK Rowling- Again, not one specific book, but I loved them as a whole. To be able to write like that and have that much background for all the characters that she has just amazes me. And then to find out she doesnt believe in the magic that she wrote about. Wow. 3.Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer - No specific one, again. I enjoyed them as whole and read them while we were on vacation in Maui. I actually bought the last book there in Maui and read it in about 24 hours while on the plane and getting back home. I think I fell in love with the fact of finding someone that you feel that deeply for and would do just about anything for to be with them. 4. Fifty Shades of Grey EL James - Even though I waited quite awhile to finally read them, the hype from this book is what got me started reading romance/erotica books. 5. Mid Life Love & Mid Life Love: At Last by Whitney Gracia Williams - Wow, what can I say? These books gave me my first book boyfriend, Jonathan, and have set the bar pretty high for anyone taking his place. I hope to be able to write as well as Whitney one day and look forward to what she releases in the future, hopefully more Jonathan! 6. Clive Cussler - Yet again, not one specific book or his, but I love how he takes an event that happened in the past and ties it in with what is happening in the present. His book are easy to read and I love the adventure that Dirk and Al go on. 7. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Series by Stieg Larsson - Great series and if you watch the US movie it does an okay job sticking with the book, but I love the Swedish version SO much better. I do love both girls that play Lisbeth and think they did a terrific job. 8. The Edge of Never by JA Redmerski - This is the first book that made me cry while reading it. It kept me drawn in and then the ending. I didnt like the 2nd one as much. 9. The Emi Lost and Found series & Not Today, But Someday(the prequel) by Lori L. Otto - OMFG I dont think I ever cried so much while reading this series. There was even a few times where I wasnt sure if I could finish it and had to take a few days away from it before continuing to read. I am SO glad I read the prequel book after finishing the series, it can be read before or after. I am not sure I would have finished the series if I read the prequel first. 10. The Experiment in Terror series by Karina Halle - Nothing like paranormal events and the start of a romance all in one. I know I could list a bunch more and some I know I just listed authors, but they didnt have one specific book that stuck with me. I know some have already been picked, but here are the 10 I nominate to also do it.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 16:43:52 +0000

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