Jadens backslide has been diagnosed as a BPD spell. This is - TopicsExpress


Jadens backslide has been diagnosed as a BPD spell. This is probably what all of his respiratory backslides can be attributed to. BPD stands for Bronchopulmonary Displasia and its a chronic lung disease caused by being on a ventilator for so long. What happens is the very machine that is keeping him alive also scars lung tissue. Luckily, most preemies can outgrow the scarring in the first couple of years. In severe cases like Jaden, babies can be hyper sensitive and get very agitated with the tube combined with his pulmonary hypertension and this can cause these BPD spells, which is being treated by a round of steroids and some sedation to keep him calm. Because we have never held anything back, the truth is there is a possibility he would have to come home on oxygen support or mechanical support. We dont accept that, because the effectual prayer of a righteousness man availeth much. These steroids will get Jaden back to where he needs to be and the fear the devil puts in our minds is simply that, fear, not reality. Lastly, Jadens eye exam was positive for ROP (retinopathy of prematurity). It can correct itself, or he may have to get treatment for it also. Hell have another eye exam next week to monitor it. Because fear has been in Christina and I all day about what the future holds for our babies, the social worker Christy sent us this tonight and it made us feel a lot better. We know everyone is going through things of their own and we hope it makes you feel better also. Thank you So So much for your fervent prayer. ~~ Fear is the most powerful single factor that deprives you of being able to achieve your full potential. You experience it most often as a result of your own thoughts and emotional visions, rather than actual real world causes. In other words, you become fearful of a fantasy – something that doesn’t exist.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 03:02:18 +0000

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