Jainism Comments Newest Popular +14Jainism is the best because - TopicsExpress


Jainism Comments Newest Popular +14Jainism is the best because it is a religion of non violence. The religion makes us learn about discipline and believe not in harming anyone. IT PROMOTES PEACE IN THE WORLD and is a spiritual path. I AM VERY PROUD TO BE A JAIN. +1Jainism is the most scientific and really a religion of peace. You will hear each and every religion believe in peace but their followers do otherwise. Almost cent percent of jains are very peaceful. Other thing jainism is not a religion that believe in blind faith. each and every preaching in jainism has a logic to it. Many logics are scientifically proven. Jainism is the most oldest religion in this world which cannot be measured in time. Lord mahavir preached many things to it follower like plants have life etc which is all proven. It is the most toughest religion to follow. This is a reason why it has so less followers. Essence of jainism is karma and moksh +2Jainism is undoubtedly the best religion in the world.. The only religion which talks of peace and non violence to every living species in the world.. Its is not hypocrite like Islam and Christainity and doesnt talk of illogical beliefs in religions like Hinduism.. Also it is the most scientifiac of all religions.. And all rubbish written above in paragraph of Islam that how can someone know all this theories 1400 years ago.. Well the jain thirthankars knews all this more than 10000 years ago.. They were the one who taught mankind how to live and all the science, maths were already written many thousand years ago.. Also it is the only religion which was and will be the most peaceful religion on this planet.. A Jainism is the oldest religion in the world and it is said that Jainism is existing from crores multiplied by crore years back and will exist till infinity. It is based on multiple dimension thinking ; justice and non violence. Practise in jaisnism is very tough but no body is forced to do practise it if you have will you can practise. If you want complete independence from cycle of birth and death then you will have practice Jainism their is no other way +8They believe in not harming anyone and thats what all the god preaches +3Jainism is a spiritual path. It just guides us towards an improved lifestyle, guiding us towards ultimate redemption from this world. Besides, the motto of Jainism, Live and let live will bring prosperity to the world. The best part is all the facts in Jainism are justifiable with the help of science. So, even the Illuminati can follow this religion :):D +3I love this not because I am Jain, but because it never says its best.. everything which is followed are logical nothing superstitious. And major point is of non violence... +3There are many religions out there. I, for example, am Jewish. I havent heard of Jainism until now and it sounds very interesting and I would like to learn more about it. +2We cant use shampoo, soap, hand soap and perfume because we cant kill animals and living things. We dont waste food. We do finish everything. WE cant eat egg and meat like pork, beef and other meats product +1Jainism can simply be defined as knowing true nature of oneself and world. And the final purpose is attaining Nirvana. Although it is one of the very few religion which emphasize on Total non-violence and truth only. The very principles of Jainism were key factor in building up the principles of Mahatma Gandhi. Jainism is a religion of non violence. It promotes peace of the world. But more importantly, it promotes, peace within the self. Its the path that emphasizes to search for truth. Its logical and asks us to be logical. Nothing should be believed on blindly. Its about self discipline and training. A path to achieve the true happiness which cannot be found in this material world. It itself says that no religion should be tagged a the best. And that a person neednt follow a religion to be a good person. This is the oldest living religion. Its a spiritual path. No god is there who created us and we ourselves are responsible for better or good. +1Jainism is scientific reason based and analyzes the facts based on evidence. Its doctrine is multifaceted. One need to be honest and truthful to follow and give up worldly pleasure yet be is afoul in the knowledge of Atma. +3Every thing has a answer in Jainism. Proud to be a jain. One day everyone will have to become a jain if not now in some other birth. Just enjoy your religion. Jainism is a religion where science is based on, the trend going on since years and decades are now confirmed and supported by science today which is one of the key factor to believe and most important in this religion is sacrifice and save others +1Teachings of jainism living is comparable to modern day science. Like we should not eat after sun set modern day science stamped this with a proof that if we eat after sun set its harmful to our body. And many more +1Jainism is oldest known religion. However present form of Hinduism is offshoot of Jainism. Besides any given so called Hindu temple is originally Jain temple of Dravidian style. Hinduism word itself is foreign and it became official very recently when Britishers conveniently merged all the religion of India under the name of Hinduism. Originally Vedic religion which was more barbaric learned and copied good things from Jainism. Jainism has its roots in advanced Indus Valley civilization when Vedic Nomads were fighting for livelihood. +2Live and let live the moto of Jainism, it is the oldest amongst all religions, if world follows its teaching no body in the world can be in sorrow. +1Jainism is the only religion which is free from any kind of propaganda and teach us to get enlightenment. It is based on the theory of non violence and teach us to live and let live.. +1They dont kill animals and are very spiritual they never harm any creature but others kill animals and eat them. Jainism is the purest religion in the whole world +1Best religion of world. Because all the religion has one god, after that all are their followers, no one can being god, but only jainism gives chance for being god... +2Wow! Sounds like such a cool religion. Never hear of it before but will research more about it and who knows what will happen? +3Jainism is the only religion in the world which follows meat free-only veg habit +1Jainism is not only the best religion but also the world most oldest religion. There is no start and no end to this Religion. The rules of this religion are 100% scientific and there are many many things which were said 2500 years back by MAHAVIR which are accepted by Science now. Jainism had sacred texts which are the most by any religion in the world. LIVE AND LET LIVE. JAI JINENDRA I dont understand. Why all this is going on. What is the need to know that which religion is greater than other. Humanity. Is the only religion that every human should follow. +2Jainism is the best religion since it believes in non violence... And god himself too doesnt ask for anykind of sacrifices as in case of allah where killed goat is offered... Also it says you do good you will have good... Youdo bad.. You will have bad. +2I dont understand. Why all this is going on. What is the need to know that which religion is greater than other. Humanity. Is the only religion that every human should follow. +2Best religion of world. Because all the religion has one god, after that all are their followers, no one can being god, but only jainism gives chance for being god... In this world full of non voilence only jainism can show the right path to people, proud to be a jain.. I respect all religion but jainism is the best. We can explain each and every practise with correct logic defined to it. Jai jinendra +4Jainism is the only religion in the world which follows meat free-only veg habit +1Jainism is oldest known religion. However present form of Hinduism is offshoot of Jainism. Besides any given so called Hindu temple is originally Jain temple of Dravidian style. Hinduism word itself is foreign and it became official very recently when Britishers conveniently merged all the religion of India under the name of Hinduism. Originally Vedic religion which was more barbaric learned and copied good things from Jainism. Jainism has its roots in advanced Indus Valley civilization when Vedic Nomads were fighting for livelihood. Jainism is really the oldest religion present today. Every other religion is originated from taking few thing from Jainism Because it is very tough to follow Jainism other moderste and relaxed rrligion are formed. +2Live and let live the moto of Jainism, it is the oldest amongst all religions, if world follows its teaching no body in the world can be in sorrow. JAIN DHARM (RELIGION) IS BASED ON AHINSA NOT TO MURDER ANY SMALL INSECT ALSO. LIVE AND LET TO LIVE JAIN PEOPLES ARE ALWAYS FEAR FROM TO DO ANY WRONG MATTER. THEIR CONSCIOUS WILL ALWAYS BITE TO DO ANY THING WRONG +3Jainism is the best religion since it believes in non violence... And god himself too doesnt ask for anykind of sacrifices as in case of allah where killed goat is offered... Also it says you do good you will have good... Youdo bad.. You will have bad. +1They dont kill animals and are very spiritual they never harm any creature but others kill animals and eat them. Jainism is the purest religion in the whole world +26Jainism is a religion of non violence. It promotes peace of the world. But more importantly, it promotes, peace within the self +2Wow! Sounds like such a cool religion. Never hear of it before but will research more about it and who knows what will happen? +2Jain is the only religion which preaches and implement the same. Nonviolence peace and forgiveness alongwith self control and give up of desires are the best qualities. I am proud to be a Jain. +2Drinking water treated with ash or boiled is purest... That was said by Mahavir 2600 yes ago... Like wise there is a way of prescribed lifestyle to be followed by one n all.. Very displayed and systematic Jainism is the first religion in the world and non violence is the main path and he is the first religion to tell use hot water and fastings before lakhs of years now scientifically approved Those are follow non voilence respect there guru help to each other and love animal and those are veg I think they all are jain becoze jain is not a religion it is more than a being human thing +2This is the religion that promotes non violence which is the only solution to the problem the world is facing today. +2Jain dharma says dont kill any people animal insects so I just want request everyone dont kill animal and insects. +1Jainism is not only the best religion but also the world most oldest religion. There is no start and no end to this Religion. The rules of this religion are 100% scientific and there are many many things which were said 2500 years back by MAHAVIR which are accepted by Science now. Jainism had sacred texts which are the most by any religion in the world. LIVE AND LET LIVE. JAI JINENDRA It is the one and only religion in the world on which the entire science is depended each word the Tirthankars of Jain said millions of years ago r now proved by science. I am proud to b a Jain Religion is not good or bad, worst or best. Religion is made to give people a thought to achieve morality in life with their own best way which people prefer. Jainism is differently unique. +2If every person will follow the path of Jainism then there will be No War, No Violence and No Poverty in the World. +2Only one religion where a common man can become god. Only one religion where a common man can perform Pooja with a separate Pooja dress with touching or hugging thirtankars (god) idol. +2Jainism always give, never takes from us.. Peace, self control, discipline, acceptance... Are the main principles... +2This religion in the world teach us peace path only Logo of Jain is live and let live Every living being has the right to live Jain teach us not to kill even a single ant also Ahimsa Think about it
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 07:02:33 +0000

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