Jakarta: Indonesias political darling Joko Widodo touched base - TopicsExpress


Jakarta: Indonesias political darling Joko Widodo touched base with almost every historical political symbol in Jakarta on Sunday as he kicked off his campaign. In a helter-skelter tour of the city’s central area, the Jakarta governor, who is universally known as Jokowi, dragged a 100-strong media pack through five locations related to Indonesia’s independence and unity. The theme of the tour by the 52-year-old presidential favourite was youth and vitality, mixed with veneration for the heroes of the past. Joko Widodo holds up four fingers to depict his partys position on the ballot paper. Joko Widodo holds up four fingers to depict his partys position on the ballot paper. Photo: Michael Bachelard At the National Awakening Museum, a colonial-era medical school where student Sutomo began fomenting for independence from the Dutch in 1908, Mr Joko examined a model corpse. It was tempting to joke about a man trying to revive Indonesia’s body politic, which is racked by corruption and nepotism. The corpse looked very ill indeed. Advertisement But if the mood outside in the street was anything to go by, Mr Joko is the man to do it. Dressed in his trademark plain white shirt, Mr Joko stopped and chatted to beaming street vendors, handing out campaign material as people shouted “Jokowi!” from cars. “I love Jokowi,” said one middle-aged man, moved to fervour by the sight of his hero. The second stop of the tour was the Youth Pledge Museum where, in 1928, students declared that the Indonesian independence movement, until then racked by ethnic and linguistic division, should aim for “One Nation, One People, One Language”. There he sang the national anthem in baritone solo. The third stop was intended to be the site where the first president, Sukarno — the father of Mr Joko’s political patron Megawati Sukarnoputri — proclaimed independence in 1945, but, on this, the first day of official election campaigning the spot was already taken by another political party. Instead Mr Joko went to the site where the five pillars of Indonesian polity, called Pancasila, were read out for the first time. He recited the pillars. That building is now used as the headquarters of the Indonesian foreign ministry, Kemlu, and it’s where the completely unknown foreign policy of this political newcomer will be formulated and discussed should he become president in July. More symbolism was also laid over the tour. It started in the morning from Teuku Umar street — symbolic of the province of Aceh in Indonesia’s far west — and ended at Cendrawasih Square, which is named after a bird found in Papua, in the far east of the archipelago. Campaign organiser Hasto Kristiyono spelt it out: Mr Joko, a youthful revolutionary (of sorts), in touch with both common folk and Indonesia’s proud anti-colonial symbols, will govern for all. But not all are happy. Just a day after Mr Joko was announced as the presidential candidate for the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), his nearest rival, Prabowo Subianto, leaked against him. The front pages of a number of local papers carried a story that Mr Prabowo had been promised Ms Megawati’s support for president after he supported her in the 2009 election. The clear implication is that Ms Megawati’s support for Mr Joko is illegitimate and founded on betrayal. The charge is unlikely to stick to Mr Joko. At the time of these machinations among the old political elite, he was the unknown mayor of the provincial city of Solo. And judging by the polls, the humble mayor is rising far above that kind of politics as usual. Read more: smh.au/world/redhot-favourite-joko-widodo-launches-presidential-campaign-in-indonesia-20140316-hvjdc.html#ixzz2wxvhHIR0
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 09:35:19 +0000

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