Jamaat-BNPs Scorched-Earth Policy?: Remember 1971? Indian army - TopicsExpress


Jamaat-BNPs Scorched-Earth Policy?: Remember 1971? Indian army was on the outskirts of Dacca city. People of the city were eagerly waiting to welcome them. Jamaat and ML(BNP is the ghost of ML) collaborators of Pakistan army were perpetrating the most heinous of their crimes during the nine-month old liberation war. They were physically eliminating the best sons of the soil. This was their scorched-earth policy knowing that their masters, the Pakistanis, would no more be able to bite, not even bark. They were sure that they were defeated. A defeated force did what they usually do everywhere and every situation of defeat. In 2014, they are sure that they are poised for defeat. They are trying to eliminate as many as possible AL activists and Hindus. This is the behaviour of a defeated force. Terrorism had no great impact upon the people of this subcontinent. It has been never possible to terrorise people and terrorists have never succeeded to secure support among the people. It came and went, never to endure as a strategy of freedom movement. The Jamaat and BNP are now engaged to act against the interests of the country. Now whatever they say is sounding like crying in the wilderness. No sensible people is intent to know what Khaleda has to say. And she has started to mutter all nonsense. They cannot conceive just one thing: the world is continuously being transformed into something which their poor imaginative powers cannot grasp. The days ahead are difficult for them. Early they realize the better for them and also for the people. Hasina is not appearing to be unstable. Khaleda is rather sounding more and more uncertain. Jamaat, BNPs hooligan arm, is perpetrating atrocities upon the Hindus while BNP is pretending that it does not know anything about it. How long this deception would be accepted by the people? How long they would tolerate it? But there are other deciding factors in the world. What about those? They, the foreign governments, have all agreed the engage with the present govt. Whither BNP now? Nobody is thinking in terms of an immediate election. Few people in Jamaats payroll are talking about election. These people want to project that if BNP is away from power for more than one term, democracy would be destroyed, whereas peoples experience and perception is: BNP and Jamat are not forces of democracy, they are rather anti-democratic. How anti-secularist can be democratic? They are admittedly anti-secular. Islamic militancy is itself a defeatist phenomenon. It is already on the wane all over the world. In Bangladesh, due to indecisiveness of AL, minority-marauders have been let go unpunished. AL considers minority votes to be captive ones for the party and does not want to make any political investments for securing minority votes. But this time they have to go for the perpetrators. The world opinion has in unison declared in favour of actions against the culprits. So, they have the world opinion behind them. Neither BNP nor Jamaat would ever become ALs political ally. There is nothing to gain from them for AL. They should go for all out action against the minority-marauders. If they fail this time, they may not get a second chance. The enemy has to be eliminated or the enemy would eliminate them. Once they committed mistake in this regard in the early seventies and paid the grave price for that. They should not repeat it. Fundamentalism and militancy would not die on its own, it would have to be eliminated, politically and otherwise.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 19:16:50 +0000

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