Jamaat has no right to do politics in Bangladesh: Son of Jamaat - TopicsExpress


Jamaat has no right to do politics in Bangladesh: Son of Jamaat founder Syed Haider Farooq Maudoodi, A son of Jamaat-e-Islami founder Syed Abul A’la Maudoodi believes that the religion-based party should not be allowed to continue politics in Bangladesh since it opposed the country’s birth. In an exclusive interview with the Dhaka Tribune last night, Syed Haider Farooq Maudoodi, one of Maudoodi’s nine children, said parties that opposed a nation’s birth should not have the right to do politics in that country. “Rightfully, Jamaat does not have the right to do politics in Bangladesh since it opposed the birth of this country,” said Haider Farooq, who along with all his siblings has never been involved with Jamaat’s politics in Pakistan although their father founded the Islam-based communal political party in 1941. Haider, who was a civil pilot and is now a columnist in Lahore, Pakistan, arrived in Dhaka on Thursday for the first time after Bangladesh’s independence to attend an international conference on religion and politics that began on Friday. He insisted on giving the interview in Urdu, saying: “I hate English.” Haider said their father had always kept them away from politics for some reasons but never explained them. He, however, talked about many issues, including politics, use of religion in politics, radicalism, war crimes of 1971 and the ongoing trial of war criminals in Bangladesh. “As locals you also had a duty to not let them [those who were against the birth of Bangladesh] do politics here. But when Sheikh Shaheb [Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman] was gone, the party in power used them and they are backing them even today,” he said. One of the independent Bangladesh government’s first decisions was to ban five political parties, including Jamaat-e-Islami, which not only opposed the nation’s independence but also actively helped Pakistani occupation forces commit genocide and other war crimes. dhakatribune/politics/2013/oct/05/jamaat-has-no-right-do-politics-bangladesh-son-jamaat-founder
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 03:59:04 +0000

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