Jamai Raja 17th November 2014 Written Episode The episode - TopicsExpress


Jamai Raja 17th November 2014 Written Episode The episode starts with Sid reaching home and seeing his dad unconscious on bed with oxygen mask over his nose. He asks doc why did not he transfer dad to hospital. Doc says Raj is fine but has high BP and should not take stress, he asks him to take care of him and leaves. Simran asks Sid till when he will be in DD’s house and his puppet and says his dad needs him the most now. Dad wakes up and calls Simran. Sid goes and apologizes Raj. Raj says he will follow the promise made to Sid and will wait for him even if he dies waiting. Sid starts crying and hugs his dad. Roshni wakes up in the morning and does not find him. She calls him and sees his phone in room itself. She goes down and sees DD and family having breakfast. Rajveer asks her to join them for breakfast. She says it is fine and asks Kesar if he saw Sid. DD taunts that he must have taken a news paper delivery jobs now to earn more money and asks her to have breakfast with her. Roshni says she does not to fight with her in the morning and asks about Mona and Naani. DD says they have gone to temple. Resham says she wants to go to her parent’s house and takes Kesar to pack their packs. Sid prepares oats breakfast and asks his dad to have it. Dad says he is not that sick. Sid says doc suggested to have this breakfast and says dad he will not work from today and will rest, he will take care of business from hereon. Dad asks what about DD, she will get irked if he does not go to her office. Simran nicknames her as parkatti. Sid says at the most she will cut his salary, which he is not bothered about. Dad asks what about Roshni. Sid says he will inform Roshni about his truth soon. Simran asks why did not he inform yet. He says he could not and says soon he will get back DD and Roshni on track by telling truth. DD is busy showing her jewelry designs to her customers. Customers praise her design. Income tax people come and ask customers and employees to leave the place as they are raiding this place. DD comes out of cabin and asks what is happening. Officer says he is raiding her showroom. Customer leaves saying they don’t want to buy jewlry from DD now. DD asks Kesar to call IT commissioner. He says commissioner has changed now. Mona calls her and says IT people have raid house also. DD asks Kesar to do something and walks out of showroom. Pratima calls Bablu and informs him about IT raid. Roshni is at NO. She gets tensed about Sid as he has gone out without even taking his mobile. She gets a calls and gets shocked. Prashanth checks Sid’s office files and says they cannot finish work soon. He says he will work hard and finish it, but not let Raj take stress, he was not there with dad when he needed him the most. Prashanth gets Bablu’s call who asks him to give phone to Sid. Sid takes phone and Bablu informs him about IT raid in DD’s office and home. Naani asks IT officers what are they doing. Roshni asks why are they searching her house. Officer says he is searching house as DD has stolen tax money. Roshni says her mom is an ideal businesswoman and is not a thief. DD comes and asks how can he call her thief without any proof. Senior officer comes and asks DD to cooperate, else he will arrest her for interrupting his work. Naani asks why is he sealing everything. Officer says it is a procedure of sealing all bank accounts, etc., and says she has not paid 2 crores IT. Rajveer comes there. Samaira taunts that Sid goes missing whenever something wrong happens. Precap: Sid speaks to IT commissioner about DD’s IT raid and thanks dad that because of his contacts, he came to know about a big secret. Dad asks what secret…. .
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 18:11:26 +0000

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