Jamai Raja 25th August 2014 Written Episode The episode starts - TopicsExpress


Jamai Raja 25th August 2014 Written Episode The episode starts with DD coming to Roshni’s room and seeing her messaging someone. She asks ×Roshni whom she is messaging in the morning. Roshni gets embarrassed and shy and says she was just making her coffee. DD thinks all girls are same, once their marriage is fixed, they get engrasped in thoughts. She then gives Roshni a dress and says it is for tonight’s party. Roshni thinks tonight’s party the best opportunity to introduce ×Sid to DD. DD sees a housekeeping staff’s name as ×Prashanth and realizes he is his school friend and asks why is he doing housekeeping job when he was planning to do management course. Prashanth says after his dad’s death, he could proceed with management course. Sid asks him to be a fighter. He gets a call from his dad and gets busy. DD calls housekeeping and calls Prashanth. She scolds him and asks him to get her saree pressed. He says he will inform laundry staff. DD says he will have to do it. Sid hears that and says ×Prashanth will not do this job as he is from housekeeping and gets her iron from her own room and asks her to press it herself. He takes ×Prashanth for coffee. DD gets irked. Resham gives many takes during ther ghost/bhootni act. Director gets irked with her retakes. She gets a call from ×Naani asking her to come home as DD has called whole family in Nasik. Resham says director that she has to go as DD called her. Director says she is a perfect chudail who did not give one proper shot from morning and ate food/drank juice instead many times, asks her to get out from there. Naani and whole family reach ×Nasik and meet DD. Naani says they all will surprise ×Roshni like DD said. Roshni sees ×Naani and whole family and gets happy. Resham is about to tell about Roshni’s engagement, but DD stops. Naani asks ×Roshni where is her dream man. She says he will come soon and SMSes Sid to come soon. Sid thinks he will wear something special and go. Krish and his dad comes there. Roshni thinks why did mom call them and asks what is happening. DD asks her to stop getting surprised. Mr. Mehta annouces ×Roshni and DD’s engagement. Roshni is shocked to hear that. Everyone clap hearing Mehta’s speech. Mehta welcomes ×Roshni to his family. Krish asks ×Roshni will she be his queen and proposes her with a ring. Roshni angrily looks at DD. DD says she was waiting for this day for such a long time and asks if she liked her surprise. Krish says he bought a precious diamond ring for her for their engagement. Roshni throws Krish’s ring and pushes him. Everyone are shocked to see that. Krish gets irked with Roshni’s behavior and says it was very precious ring. Roshni says she does not like precious things and asks how can he think she will marry an arrogant and selfish man like him. DD asks why is she misbehaving. Roshni says she is misbehaving by calling them and asks them to go from there. DD says she invited them and says as a mother, it is her right to get her married to a best man. Roshni asks why is she behaving like old DD and forcing her decisions on her. Roshni says no mother can fix her daughter’s marriage without taking her opinion and says DD that she cannot be her mom. She asks Naani to call back her daughter as she is behaving like DD again. DD asks her to stop he emotional drama. Roshni asks her how care she is to fix her marriage without her permission. Naani says she told her she is in love with Krish. Roshni asks if she is also with DD and says she did not ask her if she wanted to marry Krish, says DD betrayed her and runs from there. Mr. Mehta scolds DD for getting married Roshni without her permission and asks her to set her house right first. DD is irked with her insult. Roshni reminisces DD’s words. She sees Sid and cries hugging her. Sid asks what happened. She says her mom fixed her marriage with Sid. Precap: DD’s friend informs her that Roshni loves a man named Sidharth and has gone to meet his family.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 17:21:21 +0000

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