James 1:23-24 (23). For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not - TopicsExpress


James 1:23-24 (23). For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer,... he is like a man observing his natural face together-within a mirror; (24). for he observes himself,... goes-away,... and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. Here is a person who is going only halfway,... hearing ourselves dear LORD GODs-Word but doing nothing together-with-it. How often do we-(ALL)-be-hearing a message,... seeing-it only as it-applies unto others,... not unto ourselves? Such a person may being most able unto be-hearing the truth but filters-it only through his clouded eyes,... or worse,... but never really sees just how-it relates unto him at all!!! We-(ALL)-do be-seeing these extremes together-within ourselves dear LORD GODs-church today. Some people spend endless hours studying and conveying their discoveries unto others,... yet hypocritically do-not be-following their own advice or ourselves dear LORD GODs. They may even have the understanding that could be-helping others,... but potential hearers see only the problems that drown-out what they may be trying unto be-saying. As the saying goes,... Your actions speak so loudly that I cant hear a word you say. Ourselves Dear LORD GOD-wants well-rounded individuals together-within His Family,... those who understand His-way of life and cooperate together-with the rest of His family—not extremists who may be right together-within their knowledge but wrong together-within their overall viewpoint,... including proper interaction together-with others. Another extreme exists together-within those who are mere spectators,... allowing others unto be-preaching at them together-without doing anything about-it or even proving or disproving-it for themselves. They take a nothing ventured,... nothing compromised stance,... which,... though-it may be technically correct,... reveals a person who will-not venture outside his comfort zone. It-is a stance guaranteed unto be-producing no-growth whatsoever,... either together-within doctrine or together-within personal relationships. All this person sees is his very-own little world,... a perspective that runs contrary unto what ourselves dear LORD GOD-purposes for us-(ALL). He is preparing us-(ALL)-unto being kings and priests together-within the world unto be-coming,... both of which demand an outward,... growth-oriented attitude. Still another extreme behavior occurs together-within those who be-believing because they are told unto,... not-because of their own involvement together-with ourselves dear LORD GOD--and His-Word. They see what others tell them unto be-seeing,... not-what they should be-seeing aided by ourselves dear LORD GODs-Spirit. While it is good unto being-submissive,... ourselves dear LORD GOD-wants us-(ALL)-unto be-seeking-Him (Deuteronomy 4:29; Isaiah 55:6; Amos 5:4; etc.) and be-proving--all things (I Thessalonians 5:21; I John 4:1). A true Christian must be actively involved together-within pursuing-ourselves dear LORD GODs-way of life. All these positions show an inability or lack of desire unto be-seeing and responding unto ourselves dear LORD GODs-truth as we-(ALL)-should-be. This is true physically. A myopic person cannot see things clearly enough unto be-reacting properly. For instance,... a nearsighted baseball player cannot see a pitch clearly enough unto be-taking an effective swing at the ball. A myopic Christian cannot be-seeing the truth clearly enough unto be-using-it together-within his life. Please-do be-Reading - & be-Meditating-Upon --James 1 May We-(ALL)-Be Blessed Together-Within From The Further Reading Of Ourselves Dear LORD GODs--Word,... ALLELUJAH!!! PTL!!! (y) Amen!!! and AMEN!!! :)
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 00:04:03 +0000

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