James 2:26 FOR AS THE BODY WITHOUT THE SPIRIT IS DEAD, SO FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD ALSO. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you [believers in The Gospel of Grace] wholly; and I pray God your whole [which consist of] spirit [because believers are sealed with The Holy Spirit] and soul and body be preserved blameless UNTO THE COMING OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST [The Rapture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18]. THE RAPTURE: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Amplified Bible (AMP) 13 Now also we would NOT HAVE YOU [believers in The Gospel of Grace] IGNORANT [lacking knowledge or awareness in general], brethren, about those who fall asleep [believer who have died], that you may not grieve [for them] AS THE REST DO WHO HAVE NO HOPE [the unbelievers, the lost, who will never be reunited in Gods Glory]. 14 FOR SINCE WE BELIEVE [TRUST, HAVE FAITH] THAT JESUS DIED AND ROSE [THE GOSPEL OF GRACE] AGAIN EVEN SO GOD WILL ALSO BRING WITH HIM [IN THE RAPTURE] THROUGH JESUS those who have fallen asleep [died in Christ, believers]. 15 For this we declare to you BY THE LORDS [JESUS CHRISTS] WORD, that we [Believers] who are alive and remain UNTIL THE COMING OF THE LORD [THE RAPTURE] shall in no way precede [into His presence] or have any advantage at all over those who have previously fallen asleep [the believers in The Gospel of Grace, who have died]. 16 FOR THE LORD HIMSELF WILL DESCEND FROM HEAVEN WITH A LOUD CRY OF SUMMONS, WITH THE SHOUT OF AN ARCHANGEL, AND WITH THE BLAST OF THE TRUMPET OF GOD. And those who have departed [died] this life in Christ [Believers] WILL RISE [be Raptured] first. 17 THEN we [Believers], the living ones who remain [on earth], shall simultaneously BE CAUGHT UP [RAPTURED] ALONG WITH [the resurrected dead] IN THE CLOUDS TO MEET THE LORD [JESUS CHRIST] IN THE AIR; AND SO ALWAYS (through the eternity of the eternities) WE SHALL BE WITH THE LORD! 18 THEREFORE COMFORT AND ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER WITH THESE WORDS. Know that our body consist of a body, soul, and a spirit for The Bible says of some that are filled with evil spirits and of those who Believe, have Faith in The Gospel of Grace, which are filled with The Holy Spirit! Therefore a spirit, body and soul! Acts 19:16 And THE MAN IN WHOM THE EVIL SPIRIT WAS leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. James 2:26 FOR THE BODY WITHOUT THE SPIRIT [HOLY SPIRIT] IS DEAD,....... How do we receive the Holy Spirit? Ephesians 1:13 In Whom [Jesus Christ] ye also TRUSTED [Believed, have Faith], AFTER that ye heard the word of truth, THE GOSPEL OF YOUR SALVATION [The Gospel of Grace, Pauls Gospel: 1 Corinthian 15:1-4]: in Whom [Jesus Christ] also AFTER that ye BELIEVED [Trusted, have Faith], YE WERE SEALED WITH THAT HOLY SPIRIT OF PROMISE [only Jesus Christ seals us with the Holy Spirit and no one else and no other way], The Gospel of Grace: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, The Gospel of our SALVATION! 1 Corinthians 15:1-4: 1 Moreover, brethren, I [Paul] declare unto you THE GOSPEL [The Gospel of Grace] which I [Paul] preached unto you, which also ye have received [believed], and wherein ye stand [trust, FAITH]; 2 By which also ye ARE SAVED, IF [conditional by choice of Faith] YE KEEP IN MEMORY [Believe, Trust, Faith] what I [Paul] preached unto you, UNLESS YE HAVE BELIEVED IN VAIN [having no meaning or likelihood of fulfillment]. 3 [THIS IS THE GOSPEL OF GRACE] FOR I [PAUL] DELIVERED UNTO YOU FIRST OF ALL THAT WHICH I RECEIVED [FROM JESUS CHRIST, GODS WORD], HOW THAT CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS [ALL SINS: PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE] ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES, [GODS WORD, JESUS CHRISTS WORD]; 4 AND THAT HE WAS BURIED, AND THAT HE ROSE AGAIN THE THIRD DAY ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES [GODS WORD]: JAMES 2:26 ....SO FAITH .... What is Faith? Hebrews 11:1 NOW FAITH IS THE SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR, THE EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN. FAITH IS TRUSTING, BELIEVING, TAKING ALMIGHTY GOD, JESUS CHRIST AT HIS WORD! NOTHING ADDED! NOTHING TAKEN AWAY! PLUS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE AND NO OTHER WAY! How do we receive Faith? Romans 10:17 So then FAITH cometh by HEARING, and HEARING BY THE WORD OF GOD. The Word of God, The Gospel of Grace: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 [the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of all sins which gives us Salvation, Redemption] the Gospel of our Salvation! Hebrews 11:6 BUT WITHOUT FAITH IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE HIM [OUR ALMIGHTY GOD]: FOR HE THAT COMETH TO GOD MUST BELIEVE [HAVE FAITH] THAT HE [JESUS CHRIST] IS, AND THAT HE IS A REWARDER OF THEM THAT DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM. John 14:6 JESUS SAITH UNTO HIM, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE: NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER, BUT BY ME [JESUS CHRIST]. Ephesians 2:8 FOR BY GRACE ARE YE SAVED THROUGH FAITH; AND THAT NOT OF YOURSELVES: IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD: Amplified Bible (AMP) Romans 11:6 BUT IF IT IS BY GRACE (His [Gods] unmerited favor and graciousness), IT IS NO LONGER CONDITIONED ON WORKS OR ANYTHING MEN HAVE DONE. OTHERWISE, GRACE WOULD NO LONGER BE GRACE [it would be meaningless]. Yes, not by our works, our Traditions, or what we think, BUT, BY FAITH IN THE GOSPEL OF GRACE [1 CORINTHIANS 15:1-4]; THE DEATH, BURIAL, AND RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF ALL SINS WHICH GIVES US SALVATION, REDEMPTION! OUR ALMIGHTY GODS GRACE!!! THEREFORE WHEN WE [BELIEVERS] SIN WE REPENT [repent: feel or express sincere regret or remorse about ones wrongdoing or sin] AND ARE THANKFUL TO OUR ALMIGHTY GOD FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF ALL SINS. FOR IT WAS ONLY JESUS CHRIST WHO DIED FOR US AT THE CROSS, WAS BURIED AND WAS RESURRECTED FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF ALL SINS WHICH GIVES US SALVATION, REDEMPTION, SEALS US WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT! JAMES 2:26 ....SO FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD ALSO. Titus 3:8 This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, THAT THEY WHICH HAVE BELIEVED [TRUST, HAVE FAITH] IN GOD MIGHT BE CAREFUL TO MAINTAIN GOOD WORKS. These things are good and profitable unto men. James 2:26 FOR AS THE BODY WITHOUT THE SPIRIT [THE HOLY SPIRIT] IS DEAD, SO FAITH WITHOUT WORKS [GOOD WORKS AS A RESULT OF OUR FAITH IN GOD] IS DEAD ALSO. Hebrews 11:1 NOW FAITH IS THE SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR, THE EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN. FAITH IS TRUSTING, BELIEVING, TAKING ALMIGHTY GOD, JESUS CHRIST AT HIS WORD! NOTHING ADDED! NOTHING TAKEN AWAY! PLUS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE AND NO OTHER WAY! A CHOICE THAT ONLY YOU CAN MAKE AND NO ONE ELSE! Think about it!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 04:33:11 +0000

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