James 4:15 For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall - TopicsExpress


James 4:15 For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. I believe many Christians have taken this verse and others out of context when it comes to the will of God. As James is saying here and in the previous verse, we truly do not know what may happen from one day to the next. This is why he says; if the Lord will. The point I want to make has to do with healing. I have heard many Christians say; I know the Lord can heal me if it is His will for me to be healed. It is His will for us to be healed. Psalms 103:2 & 3 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; We see it is one of His benefits. Then Jesus sent His 12 disciples out instructing them in; Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. This does not inclued the healings Jesus did everywhere He went. Other verses include Mark 16:17 & 18, James 5:15 to name a few. Anytime we say if it is His will, it is leaving room for doubt to set in. Believe and receive, let us know it is His will for us to be healed. God bless you and your family today and always in Jesus name, Pastor Dan
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 08:23:40 +0000

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