James 5:16 “The supplication of a Righteous Man has great power - TopicsExpress


James 5:16 “The supplication of a Righteous Man has great power and produces wonderful results.” Another testimony from a restored sister... ALL thanks to The Prayer of The Apostle of The Lord Jesus Christ; Samuel Joaquin Flores. My sister who lives in Denver sent me a text saying to get on YouTube and listen to a new song that had recently been posted. The song was LLdM Do You Remember? I first heard the voice of the Man of God in the background and that alone awoke in me a need to pay close attention to every word being shared in the song. I had strayed away from the church for over 20 years and had just recently started to attend worship services. My spirit was weak and lonely, my faith un-nourished and my spiritual outlook very uncertain. Although I was astray for all those years I never forgot that on this earth was a man who prayed everyday for us all and loved “Me”, yes “Me” even if I had shunned the teachings of the Lord that he had instilled in me. No matter how hard I had made my heart and how much I tried to justify my separation I knew that I was lost without the guidance of my Lord and would never, never be at peace. I knew the emptiness I carried would never be filled without the Lord and I was condemning myself. My youngest sister who is by the grace of God also a sister in faith would always remind me that the apostles’ prayer was persistent and in my favor. She would gently share words from his teachings and highlight the love he had for his strayed flock. Nonetheless I continued to harden my heart and pretend that I would be ok. Not, so, although the Lord had watched over me and my young daughter for all these years there had been moments in which I felt so lost and vulnerable. Those moments could be very dark and difficult to live through. I would pray knowing I had severed my spiritual connection with the Lord and because of my stubbornness and pride I had created a shield of sin that interfered with any attempt of being reconnected to my Lord. Through Gods holy intervention and the prayer of my father in faith, Samuel Joaquin Flores, I have been redeemed and have returned as a prodigal daughter to my true home. He embraced me with love, he clothed me with garments as white as the fallen snow and asked me to sit beside him at his table and enjoy a meal fit for a king! PRAISE GOD! youtu.be/-oIeZ148Ts8
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 16:55:38 +0000

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