James Ellis Eriks BredovskisKmarcx Kmarcx Patrick Langille Elan - TopicsExpress


James Ellis Eriks BredovskisKmarcx Kmarcx Patrick Langille Elan Amaev Conrad Huang The History Factor Niall Ferguson Henry Law William Monie Bauer This documentary on how the Second German Reichs experience in the First World War influenced the origins of Hitlers Nazism and, in the long run, the birth of the Third Reich, has both strengths and flaws. On the one hand, it unintentionally leans a little too much towards the traditionalist argument that the German Reichs political and military leadership had a long term, secret ambition to conquer all of Europe and that Pan-German nationalism represented the majority of German society. Although there were certainly influential and powerful elements within the leaderships of the Reichs government and armed forces who advocated that Germany pursue an aggressive foreign policies, including the building up of a navy to challenge the British Empire and a potential preemptive war in the future against France and Russia, there were also other officials who did not share these views. Sadly the former won out against the latter. Further, although there was certainly a simmering element of Pan-German nationalism (which espoused the belief that the German Volk was a master race destined to rule the world), recent research has demonstrated that it did not represent all of German society. The outbursts of patriotic enthusiasm only represented an element of societies, for many others in Germany and Europe as a whole also felt anxiety at the outbreak of world war in August 1914. That being said, it is an excellent documentary which covers the origins of Nazi ideology in the First World War: m.youtube/watch?v=WIyK8wC0k2Y
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 03:59:27 +0000

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