James Foleys emotional younger brother used an interview on Friday - TopicsExpress


James Foleys emotional younger brother used an interview on Friday morning to vent his anger and frustration that the US did not do more to help free the kidnapped journalist as it emerged his family have watched the gruesome video of his death. Michael Foley, 38, said he believes the United States let his murdered brother down and said that negotiating with terrorists should be considered, despite the White House refusing to. Clearly disappointed, Foley possibly alluded to problems with the White House behind the scenes as efforts to secure the release of his older brother all ended in failure. Initially hesitant to discuss the controversial issues, Michael Foley said he felt the US did not do everything in its power to save his brother and said watching his fellow hostages return home after European countries paid their ransoms was hard to bear. Michael Foley also appeared ambivalent about the Obama administrations much trumpeted flawless July 4 rescue mission for the captive reporter, which failed when it raided the wrong base and which the Foleys were not informed of. Id like to think that it did happen, but I certainly wasnt aware of it, said Michael Foley during an exclusive interview with Yahoo Global News Anchor Katie Couric. I really dont think I should get into this, but the United States could have done more on behalf of the Western and American hostages over there and still dealt with the broader world wide issues, said Michael. Welling up: Discussing his brothers bravery earlier in the interview before he discussed the US efforts to bring James Foley home caused Michael Foley to almost lose his composure as he spoke about his brothers impact on others +10 Welling up: Discussing his brothers bravery earlier in the interview before he discussed the US efforts to bring James Foley home caused Michael Foley to almost lose his composure as he spoke about his brothers impact on others And other nations have done that. And thats been a source of frustration for me. Indeed, Michael called on the United States to work with Europe to establish a coherent strategy for dealing with terrorists, because as it stands, terrorists know they will get no ransom for their American prisoners. I really really hope that in some way Jims death pushes us to take another look at our approach, our policy to terrorist and hostage negotiations and rethink that, said Michael. Because if the United States is doing it one way and Europe is doing it another way then by definition it wont work. Michael acknowledged that the issue was difficult and the policy is designed to protect American citizens across the world. I understand why in such a large nation its difficult to cover all the bases but even take the money aside, there is more that could have been done directly on Jims behalf and I really hope that with respect to Steven Sotloff they take some action, said Michael. Still grief stricken, Michael said that he thought a nuanced approach could be the answer, one where money is not exchanged, but possibly prisoners, as in the case of Bowe Bergdahl. We are sitting on prisoners here in Guantanamo, it doesnt have to be financial. I dont mean to go off on a rant about this, I just feel strongly. The anger aimed at the White House was compounded by the desperate revelation that the Foley family have watched their sons execution video. Asked outside their home in Rochester, New Hampshire, dad John Foley said, We just needed to know. Unable to speak anymore about the horrifying clip, incredibly the Foleys claimed that they will one day forgive their sons killers. Not today.....but said John, As a Christian, we have to. In an interview earlier that morning broadcast on the Today show, James Foleys parents said that they were not going to remain silent on the issue of negotiation and said that the process was very uneven. James Foley, 40, was kidnapped on Thanksgiving 2012 and on Tuesday, ISIS released a shockingly barbaric video of his beheading, which sent ripples of disgust across the world. Foleys executioner appeared to have a British accent and the UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, has said he is sure the butcher is a British citizen. At the end of the revolting beheading video, another American journalist, Steven Sotloff, is paraded in front of the camera and threatened with death unless the United States ceases bombing ISIS positions in northern Iraq. Michael and Katie Foley said they hope the release of Sotloff can be secured and revealed the horrifying email sent to them on August 12 by their brothers kidnappers. It was chilling. It was full of so much hate, said Katie Foley. I dont understand where that much hate can come from in a person. Michael also confirmed that he was sent an email by his brothers captors demanding $132 million dollars, a sum he called ridiculous. Michael and Katie reiterated the familys belief that James Foley would have volunteered first to be executed. Unfortunately without a doubt going first is something Jim would do, said Michael. I have no doubt, he has always been that way. Truly cares about others more than himself I think he was probably the strongest and most prepared for it But you can see from the clips that he wasnt afraid. Still reeling, the Foley siblings said that their mother is in contact with Steven Sotloffs mother and they are all praying the Time reporter is returned unharmed from his ISIS captors. Katie also revealed that she spoke to her brother on Thanskgiving on the day he went missing in a Skype chat from an internet cafe and was the last person to speak to him in the family. She said that after he was kidnapped once before in Libya in 2011, the family were angry that he went back to Syria, but only now understand just how brave he actually was. Read more: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2731951/The-US-free-brother-Angry-younger-sibling-James-Foley-criticizes-White-House-execution-journalist-ISIS.html
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 14:29:02 +0000

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