James Franco is not a good actor... Seth Rogaine is not much - TopicsExpress


James Franco is not a good actor... Seth Rogaine is not much better. Having said that, I love their stupid stoner comedies... So heres my two cents: The terrorists win... No more freedom fries. There are millions of toothless rednecks that would love, and I sincerely mean love, as in pee in their pants with glee at the thought of putting a round between Obamas eyes. However, none of these moonshine swilling, sister bangin inbred rednecks has a fancy camera or a few weeks in a community theater. They would probably love to make a movie about gang raping the prez, but they just dont have the connections... And if such a film was produced by anyone, foreign or domestic, I certainly dont think it would be banned, or threats would be made to take it down or else you die!!! Most reasonable people, when confronted with something that offends them or seems distasteful, will simply ignore it. Funny, nobody in NK will ever see this movie... Or any others for that matter. WTF is that fat little monkey making such a stink for? None of the prisoners (oops, meant to say population) will ever see it. His lies are safe. Sony is a bunch of pussies. We should make a documentary about killing that tub of shit.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 02:44:11 +0000

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