James speaks about the patience of Job. In what way was Job - TopicsExpress


James speaks about the patience of Job. In what way was Job patient? Many have said that he was patient with his sufferings. The third chapter of Job in no way sounds like that. It begins “After this opened Job his mouth and cursed his day. Job spoke and said “Let the day perish wherein I was born and night in which it was said there is a man child conceived.” He continues in this strain for 26 verses in which one thing is very prominently missing - any sign of patience with suffering. In fact the Bible as a whole does not display marked toleration of suffering. Unlike all other religions which demand resignation, Bible faith protests against illnesses and pains. In the first five books of the New Testament - that is more than half of it - Jesus leads an attack upon physical suffering as the work of the devil. Christ displayed no patience with the world’s misery. Job’s patience was not with his afflictions but with God. This great man showed not a flicker of mistrust in that direction. Puzzlement yes, questions yes, frustration yes, but not agitated criticism of God. He uses some of the greatest phrases we know. “When he has tried me I shall come forth as gold.” “Let come on me what will. Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” “I know that my Redeemer lives and though worms destroy my body yet in my flesh shall I see God.” (23:10. 13:13,15. 19:25 ). The Lord later spoke saying that Job had spoken the thing that is right of Him. (42:7). God bless you today. REINHARD BONNKE
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 11:14:53 +0000

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