James update: James blood pressure started giving them fits again - TopicsExpress


James update: James blood pressure started giving them fits again this evening. (This is a new crew of nurses on tonight. The day shift forgot to tell night shift the whole Chris/James story. So, apparently night night had been calling him Chris. Lol. So I think they were frustrating him by calling him Chris! Lol! But dont worry, I set them straight.) But they are maintaining it with meds. Other than that, pretty uneventful day. They are still teetering on 0.6 liters over what they are pulling off, but hopefully that will improve. So, we still have the holes in the lungs that we are contending with (right now just by decreasing the vent settings), his little face is so swollen from the escaped air (so he kinda looks oriental), the left lower lobe of the lung is collapsed, but there was vast improvement in the left lung as a whole, there is blood in the abdomen that they are not sure where its coming from (might not even be an active bleed), and kidneys still are not functioning. On the positive side, the liver does seem to continue to heal, and for the most part he is stable. We will see what the morning brings! Heres to an uneventful night! Thank you all for your continued prayers and support! There is still a LONG way too go on this journey!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 04:36:32 +0000

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