James visit to Mayo didn’t turn out like we had thought but in - TopicsExpress


James visit to Mayo didn’t turn out like we had thought but in the end it will be for the best health results. Due to finding colorectal cancer cells in the “stuff” they took out of him when he had surgery in January plus the MRI findings at Mayo where they see a “soft tissue mass” in the exact area where his cancerous tumor was 10 years ago they are wanting James to do 17 radiation treatments starting Monday. They want to treat this area like it’s cancerous even though it hasn’t been biopsied because when they do surgery it will have already been “attacked” so it will be a better chance of not coming back or spreading with treatments in advance of surgery. Norfolk & Omaha Oncology said James was maxed out on getting any more radiation but at Mayo they have a better machine that can give him a lower dose. The drs feel the benefits out way the risks of getting more radiation. So being at Mayo is a blessing as they can do the treatments. They also want him to take chemo pills twice a day on days he has radiation. His last treatment up at Mayo will be August 26. As of now James surgery is scheduled for August 27 at Mayo. During the surgery they will also give the area where the mass is removed a dose of radiation. His colon surgeon said this surgery will be extremely difficult and will involve numerous surgeons to correct everything as there is a nerve wrapped up in the mass. The MRI doesn’t show anything of concern anywhere else so they don’t think this has metastasized if it turns out to be a cancerous tumor. So prayers are working! We are so blessed with so many family and friends who are saying prayers, who are coming to help with the house, yard work, mail our bills off etc. that we will never be able to repay them for their kindness. We have had cards sent and dropped off with food & money to help pay for the time we are staying at Rochester that has meant the world to us that we have such great people thinking of us! You know who you are and all we can say is THANK-YOU from the bottom of our hearts! Please continue to pray for James that this is all just being done for precautionary purposes, the treatments don’t make him too sick so he can have surgery on the 27th, and that we will be able to go back to our old boring “normal” life in the near future! James & I just felt if we explained it all here everyone would know exactly what is going on! Thanks & God bless each of you!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 17:53:15 +0000

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