Jamie Bloomfield... Live Blogging re today’s sitting of the - TopicsExpress


Jamie Bloomfield... Live Blogging re today’s sitting of the House of Representatives Clearly, Parliamentary standards have dropped since Bronwyn Bishop’s elevation to the Speakership. 8.53 am Christopher Pyne the first to use the Electricity Bill Shorten line ... : Daniel Franklin– ABC News... 8.55am Speaker Bronwyn Bishop does not call on Christopher Pyne to withdraw the remark, says she did not consider it to be unparliamentary. Daniel Franklin – ABC News 8.56am Tony Burke is fighting to get his point across ... The gravity of that ruling of name calling of any sort in this Parliament takes us to a new low, a new low of name calling. Daniel Franklin – ABC News 8.57am Tony Burke now moves that the Speakers ruling be dissented from. - Daniel Franklin – ABC News 8.59am Tony Burke: “Everything that was said yesterday about what the standards of this House are going to be becomes absolutely meaningless if the ruling you gave is followed through on. What we had was a clear example of a member of Parliament being given a name other than his title in this House, that is exactly what we had, and pointed out to you and asked to be withdrawn in the appropriate process according to the Standing Orders of this Parliament. If we cant even get over the threshold of calling people by their title, then every word that we were told yesterday becomes meaningless. Every word we were told about what the standards of this Government would be in the dealings with this House means absolutely nothing if they cant even resist the cute name calling.. Daniel Franklin - ABC News 9.01am More from Tony Burke: Yesterday, the PM used a similar phrase to the one now used by the Leedser of the House, the media picked him up on it straight away and he acknowledged one thing - he wouldnt get away with using that phrase in the Parliament ... . Daniel Franklin – ABC News 9.04am Christopher Pyne says: This is a disgraceful slur on the election of the speakership to now reflect on your chairmanship and not just your ruling and I would say the Manager of Opposition Business is sailing very close to the wind of being ejected from the Parliament for that unparliamentary behaviour.. Daniel Franklin – ABC News 9.04am The Speakers ruling is that name calling only bad if talking to the person. But talking to the person is itself unparliamentary. Andrew Leigh MP Clearly, it should be perfectly acceptable to the Speaker to refer to the PM, leader of Our Faceless Government, as “Phony Tony”.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 23:15:59 +0000

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