Jan 14, 11:05 PM EST Clinton recruiting Obama veterans for - TopicsExpress


Jan 14, 11:05 PM EST Clinton recruiting Obama veterans for expected 2016 campaign By KEN THOMAS and JULIE PACE Associated Press AP Photo AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais PHOTO GALLERY AP Photo The Clinton Campaign Latest News Clinton recruiting Obama veterans for expected 2016 campaign Buy AP Photo Reprints Latest News Obama to meet privately with Senate Democrats on strategy Clinton recruiting Obama veterans for expected 2016 campaign Obama and Cameron say violence wont muzzle free speech Obama to renew push for paid leave for working parents Obama criticizes state laws that hurt broadband competition Interactive Obamas 2011 State of the Union Address Obamas 2010 State of the Union Address Panorama of the State of the Union Address WASHINGTON (AP) -- As Hillary Rodham Clinton builds up her expected presidential campaign, shes recruiting veterans of President Barack Obamas two successful White House runs, signaling to supporters that shes taking steps to avoid a repeat of her failed 2008 bid. The overlap between Obamas longtime aides and Clintons emerging campaign also deepens the merger of the Democratic Partys two most powerful factions. Even as the partys liberal wing searches for a potential alternative to Clinton, an alliance between the White House and her campaign would offer a contrast with the wide-open fight among Republicans for their nominee. Among the Obama operatives joining their former rivals campaign are Joel Benenson, the presidents longtime pollster who will take on the broader role of chief political strategist for Clinton, and Jim Margolis, who will serve as her top media adviser, the same role he held in Obamas campaigns. A Democratic official familiar with Clintons decision-making confirmed the moves. This official, like other Democrats aware of Clintons maneuvers, was not authorized to publicly discuss the developments and spoke on condition of anonymity. Clinton has not declared her candidacy, but addition of top Democratic talent to her team is among the clearest signs that an announcement is forthcoming. Clinton has paid speeches and appearances on behalf of the Clinton Foundation scheduled through March, suggesting her campaign may not begin until the spring Hillary knows that the last campaign didnt go well, said David Axelrod, a longtime Obama adviser. For those asking if `16 will be different, these are some very strong signals. Clinton supporters have been prodding the former secretary of state to manage her 2016 team differently than her last campaign, which was undermined by a mismanagement and internal strife. Her campaign also struggled to keep up with the more technologically savvy, data-driven Obama team, which revolutionized the ability to target specific voters. Clinton and her team have signaled that they understand the need to fix the problems of 2008 and take advantage of the framework Obama created. Among the 2008 Clinton veterans not expected to return are pollster and strategist Mark Penn, who was seen as a polarizing figure within her campaign, and former campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle. Clintons campaign is likely to include loyalists who have worked for her and Bill Clinton during the couples decades in politics, including some who were with them during the 1990s and her 2008 campaign. Among them: John Podesta, who is leaving the White House in February as a presidential counselor and is expected to become Clintons campaign chairman. Mickey Kantor, the chairman of Bill Clintons 1992 campaign and a former U.S. trade representative, said Podesta would fill the critical role of being someone who can talk to the principal in a way thats candid and direct. Benenson and Margolis are expected to be joined by David Binder and John Anzalone, pollsters who worked for Obama in 2008 and 2012. A second Democratic official said Clintons team has been reaching out to Obama veterans to solicit suggestions for senior communications jobs, as well as the digital team and research staff. No final decisions have been, according to the official. Robby Mook, a Clinton campaign veteran who directed Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffes successful race in 2013, remains the leading contender for campaign manager, party officials say. More than any individual hiring decision, a melding of Obama and Clintons teams would complete their evolution from bitter rivals to allies. Clinton was Obamas first secretary of state and the two speak occasionally. But there has been lingering tension between their advisers that occasionally bubbles up. That happened last summer when Clinton was seen as being critical of the presidents foreign policy. Republicans hope to paint Clintons campaign as an extension of Obamas presidency. Voters overwhelmingly dont want a third Obama term, but its increasingly clear thats what Hillary Clinton wants to give them, said Republican National Committee spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski. Clinton is likely to distance herself from some of Obamas policies if she runs. Still, Democrats say theyre buoyed by the prospect of a united front as the campaign begins, particularly as Republicans prepare for what could be a lengthy and crowded primary. Benenson oversaw Obamas polling operation in both presidential campaigns. Based in New York, Benenson is a former aide to the late New York Gov. Mario Cuomo and has his own Clinton ties. He managed the Clinton-Gore polling operation during the 1996 campaign. Margolis, a senior adviser to Obamas 2008 and 2012 campaigns, runs GMMB Inc., one the largest Democratic-leaning media firms. His presence would give Clinton access to advertising, media-buying and broadcast production in one place. The firm oversaw about $450 million in advertising buys during the 2012 campaign and has a partnership with Civis Analytics, which offers expertise in big data and analytics. --- Follow Ken Thomas at twitter/KThomasDC and Julie Pace at twitter/JPaceDC © 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 13:08:19 +0000

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