Jan. 15 DISCIPLINE YOURSELF TO LET GO It may sound odd, but the - TopicsExpress


Jan. 15 DISCIPLINE YOURSELF TO LET GO It may sound odd, but the way to give up being over controlled is to become more disciplined about letting go. -- Stella Resnick, the Pleasure Zone I was sitting at home worrying one day when a friend called. He asked how I was. I told him I was worrying. Actually I was crossing the line into obsessing about something that was going on in my life then. Theres nothing you can do about it, he said. Just relax. Its out of your control. What my friend was really talking about was practicing the discipline of letting go. After I hung up the phone, I deliberately put my worries and obsessions aside. I surrendered to the way thing were. I simply relaxed. It was like a miracle. I was able to move forward with my life. When we begin letting go, it may seem almost impossible just to relax and let go. As with anything else, with practice and repetition, we will become more skilled. That doesnt mean we wont need to remember to do it. It just means letting go will become easier, in time. If youve become highly skilled at worrying, obsessing, or trying to control, deliberately practice relaxing and letting go until youre good at it, too. God, help me make the discipline of relaxing and letting go a daily part of my life. Teach me to let go with poise, dignity, and ease.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 03:42:10 +0000

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