Jan 15th Gun Rally! -- People keep asking me about it, so I feel I - TopicsExpress


Jan 15th Gun Rally! -- People keep asking me about it, so I feel I should to make a statement. Heres what I know. Get the word out if you feel so inclined. Firstly, stand proud. We the people nullified 594 and did more in a a few days with a bold pure stands, than political groups with millions have done in years. But I for one am DONE pretending those negotiating with our rights are working for liberty. The gun rally on the 15th is being called I-594: Rally for Your Rights. But let me be clear, this rally is not related to Bold Liberty. Bold patriots continue real opposition to 594 every day! We are just getting started and will ramp up more at Arms Expo this Summer (https://facebook/events/883501761683216) The organizers of the 15th protest are WAFLAG. These are the political groups that OPPOSED our stand on 12/13/14 and worked behind the scenes to hinder it. They are hosting this protest chiefly to play politics and scratch backs with those that oppose our rights. WAFLAG is working with lawless politicians and groups like SAF that support background checks. In fact a key figure in their midst, is SAF founder Alan Gottlieb, a man openly against our rights. His group filed the token lawsuit against i594, not because they oppose background checks but because they wanted some of the action. They say they did it because 594 was poorly written. To give you an idea, heres some instructions from their event on the 15th --- Please leave your long arms home to avoid scaring uncommitted legislators into the arms of Bill Gates, Nick Hanauer and the rest of the 594 crowd. Does that sound like liberty to you? Folks were done cowering. The whole point is to stand. Were not asking for our rights and those like Gates and Bloomberg who oppose them should indeed be SCARED! Neutered stands like this are the reason America has fallen so far. You can still stand on the 15th. There are patriots going to join that protest to stand boldly for our rights, despite the attempts of WAFLAG to play politics. See this event if you are interested: https://facebook/events/313906512136820. Im posting because there has been intentional confusion caused by people trying to make others think that thee games are an extension of the patriots stand for bold liberty. They have a right to hold a neutered protest, you have a right to show up with the patriots, bold and principled. Just understand whats happening and remember what liberty stands for. Some will call me names for clearing the air on this. But to unite on principle, we must divide with falsehood. I for one plan to start calling out fake patriots and I WILL be naming names. Excuse the long post. I dont enjoy this and I only want to have to say it once. But more of the same will NOT restore America. I will NOT make a pretense that those selling out for false promises of security in trade for liberty, have any part with us. Let us expose the fakes. Then let them repent and change their course, or let them separate from us and join the forgotten of history; as never our countryman! WE STAND on principle, we stand bold, we stand in liberty. -- Gav
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 20:40:02 +0000

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