Jana and I were in Washington DC for 4 days at a Lyme Convention - TopicsExpress


Jana and I were in Washington DC for 4 days at a Lyme Convention (ILADS) last weekend for Medical Doctors and LYME patients both. Our booth was very popular - and not just that -it was probably a godsend for dozens of lyme patients who discovered a way to get immediate relief from their maladies. But aside from that, what appalled me is that it appears the insurance companies are in denial that people have LYME. Its like when Epstein-Barr (Chronic Fatigue) and Fibromyalgia first appeared on the scene - the medical establishment couldnt figure it out what they had, and therefore the Insurance industry would deny payments. etc.- making it harder for a really really sick person to get better. It appears it is part of their overall strategy, as they try to figure out how to win in monopoly. It Reminds me of one of the first Natural Health Associate of Ohio conferences I went to in 1975. A lady got up and gave a talk about her daddy getting cancer (lady was in her 30s or 40s probably) ... and his brother got cancer at the same time... and her uncle had the best insurance in the world - he was dead within 18 months - But her daddy, since he had no insurance HAD TO DO THE NATURAL ROUTE, and here it is , he is still alive 20 years later. I have known people who have told me they are thankful that their parents never took them to doctors when they were sick, because the doctors probably would have killed them. However, at this expo, MAINLY Doctors, I would say 60% of the attendees were medical doctors, quite a few of them who had LYME themselves. And each person told a story about their past, on how sick they were. The doctors who did NOT have LYME disease were EXTREMELY OPEN, pretty much Integrative doctors, who were drawn into it, as a way to Help their patients. Many doctors are becoming more and more successful with treating LYME, and the day was filled with 3 1/2 days of talks, and presentations about ways to find LYME early, and the many products, and protocols to get people well. The Doctors attending this show truly are concerned with their patients welfare, and many have been ridiculed a LOT over the years, and some OSTRACIZED for treating people with LYME. You would NOT BELIEVE the persecution that exists. It appears that many in the medical world - would rather have people DIE than be healed by ALTERNATIVE medicine. It is worse than CRUEL. I saw one of their movies. Its not too different from the movies that we saw at the Cancer Control Society Convention in LA in Sept. Its sort of when they were in denial that AIDS was a disease. But within the negative, looms the positive, which always emerges. Thats how things work, you know. I call it the super-positive always rises from the ashes of the positive and the negative fighting. The Hero emerges from the Rubble. The journey of the Hero, and what he/she has to go through - someone is out there trying to make it difficult for those with pure hearts. And sometimes, what we have to go through is what purifies our heart, so we do become pure. Sort of interesting to Observe. At any rate, the doctors and other holistic health practitioners (many Naturopaths were there - maybe 15-20% ) who attended this conference -- They are heroes who need to be applauded for their work, and by also bucking the establishment, if that is what was trying to interfere with their work. And in many cases, believe it or not, it WAS. Again, another Example of the Salem Witch Hunts. It is prevalent in this society - again and again and again. Remember, however, their is always a light at the end of EVERY Tunnel. The group that did the conference is called ILADS. ilads.org - their purpose is as you can see below in the picture... We were recommended to go to the conference by the way by the president elect of the organization who saw us at a hyperbaric oxygen therapy show in Albuquerque about 2 months ago., He got into the sauna - he was reluctant because he had a wood sauna - hard to see how a portable nylon tent sauna could compete - but my wife used her female charm (or whatever) to get him into the relax sauna... The rest you could say was history. He not only liked it, he was impressed with it, bought it , and the next morning was telling us we HAD to go the LYME CONFERENCE - we would do WELL, and of course, people needed to be more aware of what service we were offering (of course) We took his advice, had a good time (if that is what you call waking up at 5 am every day, and coming home at 10 pm), learned a lot, made more friends, met old friends, and educated people about far infrared energy and Relax energy. Lots of people went home very happy, with a new tool on their road to recovery, and living a normal life. On Sunday afternoon, we toured Washington DC - hardly - we got to see the OUTSIDE of the Smithsonian LOL ... We got to see some street gymnastics do their thing, visit their China Town, etc. ... Washington DC is a nice city. Jana really loves Washington (the state, since she lived there for 35 years) ... And the real treat on the way home, besides spending some time in one of the state parks looking at Big Pool in Maryland, was of course driving through Washington (Pa) on the way home. LOL Next weekend, I think Jana is staying home, and I drive to NY City for a consumer Holistic Health (one of the Best) show called the New Life Expo, which I have essentially been doing since 1981. (i.e 33 years) (when it was called the Whole Life Expo) If you made it through this soliloquy, you also deserve to be applauded. I can go on and on and on .... I sometimes like to point out injustices in this world, because it awakens us to see that something doesnt quite smell right, And in this awakening, we discover, sometimes, after we try the futile attempt to FIGHT the injustices, we FINALLY REALIZE, that they are part of the ORGANIC process to get us to Awaken to WHO WE REAL-LY ARe. It gets us to become REAL. And once we become REAL, we see how the process works, and we notice how FREE we are. And what do we do, we continue to assist people to 1) become aware of the injustices, 2) do what we can to correct them as best we can , and 3) to shine light on the solution to realize that it is all a facade to get us to awaken. This world will probably always have its share of negativity. And I certainly do my best to assist people in their attitude - that adopting different attitudes, by making slight adjustments to our attitudes, we can see things in a different light, and hence can do our best to DISPEL Darkness, Meanwhile, as we live in a world of positives and negatives, doing what we can to make this a better world, that is really NOT our TRUE goal. IT is a by-product, and a GREAT By-product, to help individuals end their suffering, or reduce it. What did Buddha have to say about suffering ? Be aware that LYME is a real disease. And there are MANY solutions to give people their LIFE BACK, which is what Kim in Ohio said in a letter to us 2 weeks after she got her Relax Sauna from us, that she was thankful after 5 years of up and down and around to finally have a calm relaxed mind, and to have her life back. Go to the LYME website below, and educate yourself about what you can do to become more aware and understanding of those with LYME, and of the injustices that they have to tread through on their way to becoming healthy. Thanks again fro treading through this soliloquy of mine. i think maybe next time , i will create 10 posts instead of 1.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 06:15:13 +0000

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