Janice, I, and Bro. Michael Maddox, Director of Harvestime - TopicsExpress


Janice, I, and Bro. Michael Maddox, Director of Harvestime Juvenile Ministries, ministered at the Greenville Juvenile Facility this afternoon. Eight young men said they received the Lord or rededicated their lives to him. All glory be unto God and our Lord Jesus Christ!! Just thought Id share a poem with you that I wrote while Jan and I were pastoring in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin in 1991. Another Tree of Life based on Genesis, chapters 2 and 3: The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground; He breathed in him life, a soul so profound! He planted in Eden a garden for man to dress and to keep it, for that was his plan. He gave them a charge of the trees put therein: Dont eat of this kind, to do so is sin! Then God looked on man and the things he enjoyed, but the beast, cattle, fowl could not fill his void. So God caused a sleep to fall upon Adam; He took of one rib and brought forth a madam! Bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called Woman, well start our lives fresh! But Satan was waiting, and spoke through the serpent: who questioned the woman, his lying was fervent. ;You surely wont die, your eyes will reveal; You shall be as gods, know-ing both good and evil. She looked at the tree, a pleasant surprise ----it looked good for food, de-sired to make one wise. She took and she ate of the fruit of that tree, and gave it to Adam, who ate carelessly! They saw they were naked, they covered their shame with aprons of fig leaves, and then Gods voice came. They hid in the garden, from his presence they fled, but God called to Adam, Where art thou, he said. Well, you know the story, the games people play; we keep blaming others, but dont look our way! From man to the woman, and oh, how they fussed! But she blamed the serpent, so he bites the dust. So God had to punish the man and his wife, and sorrow and pain would be with them for life! The ground will be cursed, thorns and thistles will grow. From dust came the man, so to dust he must go! Man named his wife Eve, God clothed them with skins; they had to leave Eden because of their sins. This is a sad story of mans sin and strife, but God has a plan for eternal life! This time its a hill, and on it a tree; The fruit is Gods son; receive and be free!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:36:20 +0000

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