Janice Williams challenged me to post my favorite Bible verse. I - TopicsExpress


Janice Williams challenged me to post my favorite Bible verse. I have several favorites; however, my favorite for the past year is For I am the Lord your God Who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13 This verse reminds me that God is the One Who made me and the One Whom I worship. He is my God. In addition He is my Lord, the One who looks after me and wants only good things for me and delights in my obedience and subservience to Him. It also strikes me that He says He takes hold of my right hand, not my left hand. My right hand is my dominant hand and He is taking hold of that one, leaving my weaker left hand open. Its as if Hes saying, Ive got you; you dont have to worry. Let me do this for you. Then He gives a command to not fear. I dont think its a suggestion; I believe its a firm,but gentle, command to let Him be in charge. And then that wonderful promise I will help you reassures me that He knows me and my challenges and problems ;and Hes powerful enough and wise enough and caring enough to help me through all of them, no matter what. This past year I have to admit that at times its been difficult to not fear. There have been so many challenges on this journey of life without my dear brother Charles Cy and on this cancer journey with its twists and turns and ups and downs. There have been times of grief, doubt, shock, pain, heartbreak, and disappointment, yet when the Holy Spirit reminds me of this verse from Isaiah, I am filled with joy, calmness, reassurance, hope, and a good warm feeling deep inside. This is one of the Bible verses taped to my bathroom mirror. This verse and its Author have given me much comfort and peace.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 03:24:58 +0000

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