Janice and Shirley soon pulled into the garage. They could hear - TopicsExpress


Janice and Shirley soon pulled into the garage. They could hear Glenn with Ashley and Emily at the stove. Janice just smiled to see Glenn show a side of himself that so many people mistook for years...there he was with his granddaughter Emily and Ms. Ashley acting like a little boy given permission to get his little chops in the cookie jar. Jack, exhausted and still suffering from the knock out blow at Ground Zero just sat in the recliner...dazed. It was bad enough that he got his bell rung earlier, it was worse that he could not sleep for another 12 hours....Would someone get me a glass of water, please. His pleas for refreshments went unnoticed...He staggered to the kitchen, pulled a glass from the cabinet, got ice from the freezer, and not without realizing it, accidentally grabbed a bottle of pickle juice from the refrigerator. Though he had this sour look on his face, everyone believed he didnt realize what he just drank. They all laughed beneath their breath. Jack then proceeded to stagger back from whence he came...with a remote in his hand, he just sat there and stared off into space. Janice, just happened to walk to the answering machine. One could not help but notice the several messages people had left. Glenn...did you listen to the any of these messages? Cant you see, I have been busy with the girls... What an excuse...but it worked. Janice asked Shirley if she could be excused for a few minutes while she took down all the voice recordings. Shirley obliged. It did not take long for Janice to listen...she heard the first message and her face turned as white as a ghost and her mind went blank. The first two messages were from Glenns youngest sister, Rebecca. It was late Tuesday afternoon...she just watched the news about Julie and was calling to see if they had anything. The second message though came Wednesday morning...Rebecca just received word that her husbands body...Daddy Long Legs OLeary was found... Janice just stood frozen in time...she paused for a few seconds and commented to the boyish like Glenn...AH! Glenn, I think you need to come over here and hear this message.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 20:13:30 +0000

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