Janice was moved to Nortons due to her irregular heart beat, It - TopicsExpress


Janice was moved to Nortons due to her irregular heart beat, It will race sometimes and will creep up to about 150 before it will start to come down, The medication they are giving her to bring it down seems to be getting the job done, today they did a ct scan of her chest and found no problems such as a blood clot in the lungs or anything else. Her heart checked out the same at Nortons as it did at U of L. The doctors came to same conclusion it is dealing with her TBI and will try to control with meds to make sure that it does not stay up at 150 beats for any period of time. I just called to check on Janice and how well she was handling her feedings because they had stopped them again after she had coughed and gagged herself which cause her to spit up and that caused them to shut down the feeding tube. and with her transport today she did very well no problems associated with her move to Nortons. Although the nurses and staff are not use to having TBI persons and are not familiar with how one should talk and do while attending to them I am trying to give them some friendly advice on how Janice is and what might work better for her and the staff are all nice and have started to talk as they enter and let her know what they are going to do and why they are there. Plus it helps me being blind to know why or who is in the room. The new mix formula they have her on appears to be easier to digest and Janice as of 3 am was doing fine with it. I told her nurse that her baby had woken up and I had to feed him so now I was checking on my baby and her feedings. Seems mother and son are hungry and both are eating well. Janice listened to a video of Vincent today and then opened her eyes and was shown it again, she seemed to watch her son and boyfriend Jake as they were on the screen together. I tell her everyday when I visit that Vincent and Jake are doing great and I am making sure of that. So with her being able to see that I know helped her see that he and his daddy are doing fine as she heals so that she can return to their lives.We are still trying to get her into Fraziers rehab because they do have the best rehab dealing with Brain Injuries, and that will give Janice the chance to be with staff who are trained with brain injuries and how they have to have certain kinds of rehab and not just the run of the mill due to the type of injury she has. I ask of everyone to please continue praying for Janice and the healing of her body the digestive issues get straightened out and she is able to digest her new formula and gets stronger by the nutrients it provides for her.Also that her leg is healing the way it is suppose to be and they find no problems with it when ortho comes in to check it out and replace her half cast. I also would appreciate the prayers for the healing of her brain and that she is able to relearn and maintain the memories of everything that she is taking in and Frazier will admit her and let her come to their rehab facility and they start working with her as this is the most critical time in her healing process. . Thank s to everyone for your support and prayers , you can not imagine how much Janice and her family along with her immediate family appreciate all the love and support you all have shown to us.God Bless.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 08:20:45 +0000

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