♡♥Jannah♥♡ After a brief enquiry, you learn that - TopicsExpress


♡♥Jannah♥♡ After a brief enquiry, you learn that paradise has 100 stages, the lowest of which is Jannat ul-Mawa, the middle of which is Jannatul Adan and the highest Jannatul Firdauws. Every stage can accommodate the entire mankind, and the distance between each is the distance between the earth and the sky. The garden of lowest ranking inmate will be ten times the size of this world. Having satisfied yourself with your initial meal, you are now taken - on a winged pearly-coated horse, - to your final abode. You will not worry of visas, airports, long queues and the exorbitant price of tickets anymore. You will then notice flashes of gentle lightning in the clear sky, and will ask in wonder: “What are those lights?” “Don’t you know?” your usher will answer: “They are the anticipative smiles of your houris.” Although this will be your first trip in paradise, the road will seem familiar to you. As you travel, wondering which garden is yours, you will notice that the sand is not made up of dirt. It is pure saffron. The gravel is made of pearls and rubies, and the buildings of transparent gold and silver. Even the richest man on earth could not have purchased a single brick of paradise with all the money in the world! Those who think that paradise is an Alice in Wonderland fairy-tale have not even felt ½ % of the Grace of the Almighty. If you deny His paradise, then the only place for you in the hereafter is Hellfire. As you start developing an emotional connection to the ultimate source of true pleasure, you pass mountains made of pure musk. You notice rivers of pure milk whose source is not a diary cow, rivers of pure honey whose source is not a bee, rivers of unintoxicating wine whose source is not fruit, and rivers of sparkling water. All these emanate directly from beneath the throne of the Almighty, Most Magnanimous. You may request a stop and drink from these refreshing springs, but you will be told: “Have patience, for you also own a few of these.” When you finally reach your garden, you will see a most charming woman – a woman whose essence is of saffron - washing from a pure stream. She will have 70 sets of clothing upon her, but all will be delicate and weightless to the degree of transparency. She will be so beautiful that you will see the blood throbbing through her veins right through her ivory-like complexion. Further, you will see within her heart, and witness the waves of love throbbing in it for you. They will never lose their virginity, will never experience monthlies, nor their timeless beauty. As you stand there stunned, she will be joined by many more - a minimum of 72. Each one of them will have separate grand pavilions alongside your rivers. s. Then the most gorgeous woman will arrive, the likes of which you will have never seen, and you will forget all those 72 houris and turn to her. She will be your earthly wife, surpassing the beauty of a million houris, returning to your arms. And why shouldn’t she be more beautiful for didn’t she engage herself in devotions in this world, and she patiently tolerated her husband’s moods in this world? There, a single man will be granted the strength of a 100 men. He will adorn himself with lavish jewellery like crowns and bracelets. Women, on their part, will not be given a currency called dollars or pounds, nor a credit card with a measly R100 000- limit, but an unlimited currency called “Desire.” Whatever they desire, they will get … beautiful handbags, manicures, pedicures, fluffy kittens and even obedient husbands who will become just as she likes him to be in appearnacde and character. There will be no hijab in paradise, and also no lust. No one will fear extra-marital affairs or even contemplate evil. An ordinary palace will be a huge pearl 60 meters tall, carved out from within, having 70 000 rooms, and built in such a way that every room will be completely private. The silken couches will be elevated – the ultimate lazy boy, - and hundreds of young lads will be there to serve you with thousands of glasses in their hand, each holding a different liquid, and bringing whatever you desire at a mere thought. No such remote control has ever been created in the world! All traces of jealousy, malice, envy and pride will be removed from everyone in these huge social gatherings. There will be no problems, anxiety, back-stabbing, break-ups, divorces or any kind of relational tension in this “Pearl of Peace.” The best part is that there is no waking up in the morning to rush to work in order to clock in on time, to meet your monthly commitments or to stomach the nonsense of your boss. In fact, in paradise, there is neither fatigue, sleep, nor night. Paradise will not be lit by a sun giving off nuclear rays, but by the shimmering light of the ‘Arsh (Grand Throne) itself. It will be as gentle as the rays just before dawn. The best part of paradise is that you will be with everyone you love, past and present, have anything you want with no fear of death for anyone, nor scarcity of pleasures. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, the Almighty Himself will ask you: “Do you want anything more?” and everyone will express their gratitude at the bounties beyond their expectation. Then the Almighty will grant every inmate the ULTIMATE glory - a bounty that not even a zillion years of prostration can buy: He will reveal Himself to everyone. This grand sight will cause everyone to fall in prostration and will only increase them in beuty. There is no moment better than this moment and no pleasure that can ever surpass this privilege in one’s entire existence. Paradise is a pure place, reserved only for the pure. It is reserved for those who do not seek loftiness or power in this world, who have iman (faith), piety and good character, and who realise that the ticket to paradise is undergoing the temporary hardships of this world. Thus advised the Best of Creation, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): “If you need to ask for anything, ask for Jannat ul-Firdaus. Ref can be found in creed series Jannah and jahannum boon How amazing!!! How merciful is Allah !!! All we hope for Insha Allah will be there.ultimate true happiness
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 00:12:21 +0000

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