January 14, 2015, Wednesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time, - TopicsExpress


January 14, 2015, Wednesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time, Gospel Reading: Mark 1:29-39, The Cure of Simons Mother-in-Law Are We Too Busy For God? No matter how we conduct our daily lives and no matter what life situation we find ourselves in right now, I think most of us will agree that we are quite busy, right? I have pondered upon this question as I reflect on the Gospel Reading for today. What is it that keeps us busy and distracted? Are we occupying our time with activities that draws us closer to God? Or do they draw us away from God? Many of us at present live our lives in a state of busyness. We are busy working, studying, updating our status on Facebook or Twitter and sharing pictures on Instagram. We are keeping up to date on the latest television shows or telenovelas. We are watching old and new movies on cable tv or on YouTube or playing games on our Ipads or Iphones. Certainly, these activities that are meant to entertain us or provide some relaxing time are not necessarily bad as they can be spiritually uplifting too. However, when they keep us too busy for more crucial and important activities, then we would have a problem. Satan wants us to be busy and distracted so that we will draw closer to him. We readily claim to be busy to pray, too busy to attend retreats or Bible studies or even the weekly Sunday mass. Too busy also to make time for those in need of our care and attention especially our own spouse and children. It is then a challenge for us to make good use of the precious time given us. Balancing prayer, work, rest and recreation is difficult but it is worth the struggle. So let us all make time for the Lord because He always has time for all of us. We cannot be too busy for God because He will never be too busy for all humanity.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 04:11:00 +0000

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