January 24, 2014 Gods Living Bible - The Third Testament - Gods - TopicsExpress


January 24, 2014 Gods Living Bible - The Third Testament - Gods New Revelations - The Gospel of Messiah and Apostle Rev Colleen Etana - My Warriors of Love and Light - Hear Me! (God Through Messiah Colleen Etana With The Holy Spirit) Ask yourselves this: Do you consider yourselves as warriors? If you do then warriors of what and why? What kind of warrior do you wish yourself to be known as? Warriors of Peace or war? Strong or weak? Anger is weak. Win the Battle for your own Soul and the war will also be Won. Humility and Gentleness are of the strongest fibers one can weave into their Soul. Dont be as Hollywood would have you believe in most cases, for to harm or kill intentionally is evil. Your Words can maim. Are you empowering others with your words or taking them down? Abuse only begets more abuse in any form. A Warrior of Love and Light, or an emotional reactor erupting at the whim of others? This dis-empowers you and everyone involved loses the match. Resist evil or negativity in yourself first and do not repay evil for evil, reaction for reaction in other words. Make your stand on the Rock of My Love that Shields and Gives you the Strength to turn the other cheek. Do not give offence the chance to take root in you or to plant offense in another either. I See, Hear, and Know All. I care not what others say about you for My Love is Unconditional. So should yours be for you as well as others. Let it go and keep letting it go until you no longer react to the opinions and emotions of others. Mine and your Opinion of you is all that counts and I Know your heart, from whence your intentions are born or quelled. Be self controlled and alert at all times by allowing Me to Guide you through your circumstances with Grace and Self Respect. In this way you can only gain ground and hold onto your own power, not losing it again and again. Seek Peace within and hang onto it. I can Help you. Let no one, not even yourself knock you off Our Mountaintop of Love and Peace. One who masters their self is the one who I Call Winner. Dont break the Law of Love and One. Lean on My Understanding of All That Is and not unto your own. Love is True Power. Reach Higher for Me as I Am There. Reach Deeper and I Am There as well. For tall or short, I Am Within You. AMEN Read more: godslivingbible.proboards/thread/2103/warriors-love-light-hear-me#ixzz2rOChMhDt
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 06:43:32 +0000

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