January 29, 2014 God has been speaking this to me for a few - TopicsExpress


January 29, 2014 God has been speaking this to me for a few days now. It might offend some who might not be willing to do what He says. And suppose I tell some wicked people that they will surely die, but then they turn from their sins and do what is just and right. For instance, they might give back a debtor’s security, return what they have stolen, and obey my life-giving laws, no longer doing what is evil. If they do this, then they will surely live and not die. None of their past sins will be brought up again, for they have done what is just and right, and they will surely live. (Ezekiel 33:14-16 NLT) Please take notice that in this passage above, God makes it a point to show that ACTION needs to be taken after repentance, basically as part of repentance. “So if you are presenting a sacrifice at the altar in the Temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God. (Matthew 5:23, 24 NLT) ...And ACTION again ⬆️ “If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. If the person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. Then if he or she won’t accept the church’s decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector. (Matthew 18:15-17 NLT) ...And ACTION again ⬆️ It is Gods will for us to take action and try what we can to mend brokenness that we know we have caused. We need to be open and allow God to show us these people and then take action. If you have tried, and the other party is unwilling to forgive then your hands are wiped clean. You can only do your part-not theirs. If you havent tried, allow God to work through you. Let Him speak to you. He will give you the strength that is needed to walk it out. In my own life, I have noticed, that its a very humbling experience to go and make things right-to apologize for the things Ive done that have caused pain. Knowing that I will have to make things right later has prevented me from saying things in anger at times and for that Im thankful. At other times I have allowed the anger to take hold of my mouth and then been humbled later when God grips my heart. God will lead you and He will be pleased with you for following Him and humbling yourself. Take ACTION today...you will be set free!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 15:53:43 +0000

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