January 30, 2014 What Hinders You from His Will? Have you - TopicsExpress


January 30, 2014 What Hinders You from His Will? Have you ever wondered what hinders you from God’s Will or being what God wants you to be? Well, I have, and I believe that Hebrews 12:1 has the answer as it instructs us to put away some things in our lives. It tells us to Lay Aside Every Weight. The beginning of that verse says, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight.” That speaks to something or someone that hinders us from the progress we are wanting to make in our spiritual lives. When we liken our spiritual walk or life to a runner running a race we realize that walking with God and obeying God is very important. Walking with God and obeying God are going to be absolutely necessary for us to continue living in relationship with God. So, when an athlete is in training many times he will run with weights around his ankles or around his wrists. These weights are used for the purpose of conditioning the body. But, no athlete would think about running the 100 yard dash in competition with those weights. The weights would be taken off so that nothing could keep the runner from his best performance. Likewise the Christian in running in running the race of life must make a decision to lay aside those things that hinder him. There may be what the world or people who love us would call good in our lives that hinder us in our progress for Christ. There are things that just are not beneficial to us being faithful unto the God we professes to love. It is about making the best choices in serving God with our lives. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’ve not always made the best decisions in my Christian walk. When as a Christian we are serious about serving God and being faithful to Him, we will find that it is necessary to lay aside some things that hinder faithfulness. Perhaps, they are not necessarily bad things, but they are things that keep us from being as spiritually sharp as we need to be. We may realize that are not able to perform to our peak or be at our best for serving God. For example at our house we do not plan anything on Saturday nights so that we can get to bed at a reasonable time so we can get to up on Sunday mornings. We give our tithe off the top so that we know we will obey Him rather than enjoying something that might hinder our obedience to Him. That is like what we would call a luxury or otherwise extra thing in our lives that robs God of that which is rightfully His. If we are serious about the things that God calls us to do, we will do our best to prepare for whatever the task. If God says our role in the Christian race is to teach then we must give ourselves some study time, being sure that we are prepared to teach. Then if we sing then we must do what we can to protect our voices. As we prepare to serve the Lord, we must give ourselves the opportunity to be at our best. So, that we can be a serious competitor by laying aside anything and everything that keeps us from being as effective as we otherwise would be. 1 Cor. 9:27 says, “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.” Rom. 14:21 says, “It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby your brother stumbles, or is offended, or is made weak.” Yes there are some things that we must just lay aside. Does anything come to your mind that is hindering you from doing God’s will? What about from your service to God? Let me suggest that you do what the verse says. Lay it aside!!!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 11:09:43 +0000

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