January 9, 2015 Finally some time for my long over-due post. - TopicsExpress


January 9, 2015 Finally some time for my long over-due post. For those of you not getting my personal posts I have been at work about 70 miles South east of Barrow Alaska. The connection where I was able to use my computer rarely got signal that was useable. Now I am as my last picture I shared shows back in Portland with my son. Renvek is doing well at this point, since starting treatment down here he has only had the one seizure and line infection that turned out to be contamination from the stomach contents that ended up on the ends of the central line. There was a slight dosing issue that put him in the hospital and he over-nighted because there were nutrition issues that needed to be resolved. He wasnt eating enough and they were able to adjust his appointment times and the type of pediasure he was getting to help control his nausea and ability to eat. So back to last December as I posted earlier that Megan (Renveks mom) had purchased a ticket to go to Virginia back in August before her dad passed away to spend Christmas with her family. She had originally planned (over a year ago for this trip) to take Renvek with her, however with the new diagnosis for Renvek she knew she couldnt take him with her. She also couldnt come with him to Portland with the time she had already taken off from work and her family had put off her dads funeral so she could attend it over the Christmas break. Renvek was feeling down with all the hospitalizations and nausea that he was going through. He wasnt eating enough which led to one of the hospitalizations I mentioned earlier. He would have up times and down times as people came in to play with him or visit him but by bed time he was always missing people. He told Grandma on one day that his chest hurt and only mommy or daddy could make it better. I was calling in nightly as best I could with the poor communications at that particular job site and it was helping but it just wasnt the same. Megan attempted to Skype with Renvek on a couple occasions but unfortunately my parents are technologically challenged and it ended up cutting the visits short. So on Monday the 29th of December Megan set out home and experienced a travel delay that caused her to miss one of her connections that ended up re-routing her flight through Texas and on to Portland. As she flew over Portland to come in for a landing she could see the hill that OHSU was built on and realized how close she was to her baby. She couldnt get on the connecting flight and just leave him there so she changed her ticket and walked out of security heading for the McDonald House. She called and warned mom that she was coming because she was going to get there so late, but my mom and Megan decided not to tell Renvek. Mom kept him up until she was in the building and led him down the hallway to find out who was standing at the end of the hall. He seen Megan from down the hall but was in such a disagreeable mood that he was upset that anyone would be there clear up until he was about 30 feet from her when he finally looked again and shouted “MOMMY!” when he began to run to her. Renveks mood took a great up turn and he started eating more again. I cannot tell you how happy I was to hear his voice at night excited about his mom visiting. Needless to say that his chest quit hurting and the delay between her getting back to Anchorage and my arrival on the 7th was easily bearable for him. So as I got my feet on the ground here I am realizing now how good a Christmas Renvek had at the Martins. His Christmas haul will have to be taken home in two suitcases possibly three. Of course Renvek also had to show me all of the toys he got so I was able to check them out extensively. That brings everyone up to date and I will get another update out by Monday night. Alan (Renveks Dad) The video is just a short video following his moms arrival.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 07:09:27 +0000

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