Japan should not be trying to assorted with these anti-Japan - TopicsExpress


Japan should not be trying to assorted with these anti-Japan countries includes US to force us their view of history that is necessary to control Japan under their rule. If US is doing wrong thing like this, we Japanese should not close our eyes to keep quiet any longer. If we are to be quiet and ignore against their false propaganda to manipulates the truth and real history of what has been really happened, that is against all the man kinds good will as well as the basic human rights. Koreans, Chinese, and so e US government people, please understand that we cannot buy or change the truth and history in a way that you want all the people in the world to believe so. History is one of precious study that we all can learn from it and get wise for living as a man. History is not for to use and manipulate the truth to make fake propaganda against certain aimed country, such as Japan! this time. if you do so, this will be all come back to your own head since nobody and no country are fully righteousness from Gods eyes. We are all doing the things we hate for each other, and no body and no country are exceptional. Koreans are keen to put themselves in the victim position and they do anything for this by creating false history and lies since it is their political way to gather the world sympathy attention in order to acce Japan for even more money. If is dirty thing to do for our eyes. WE Japan know what is the shame as well as we CARE the true human rights, so that we always try to be fair and helpful to other nations in peace. We know how to share and can make a great her money within all nations. And what is more, we Japanese are the people who love HONESTY and try to be understandable and fair to others based on idea of caring the REAL HUMAN RIGHTS in PEACE. Wee Japanese are still have SAMURAI sprits in our blood, as DNA of Japan, so that we cannot accept any false history and made up lies by Koreans and Chinese and some Americans who deceived by Koreans lies in order to accuse certain country for whatever their hidden reasons are. If what you say is correct and truth in the history, then, we will accept it for sure because we love HONESTY, not like Koreans. But many stories of what Korean Government say, those are not based on the true history, rather they are now busy trying to make up new fake history and force us and the nations In the world to believe those Koreans such false history and well made up lies. isnt it insane? They went more more than far to the insane revel, not just a crazy revel. And what is sad is America used by Korean to hate Japanese for nothing! they are on Koreans lies side. Remeber, we Japanese are not chicken in our blood? We do not give up on what is right and what is good for Godeyes, so we do not surrender on the folse unfair these political forces against Japan? because those are lies, we cannot pay any money any longer. Americans, and Mr.President, if you are to support Korea as a nation, since Korea is just one step before the bankruptcy again, YOU pay YOUR MONEY to help Korea from their bankruptcy. Please DO NOT counting on our money any more to support Koreans debts. last time, we saved Krean by our Japanese money through IMF. But we NO more to wish to help Krean by our money since they always always always breach counteracts and tells lies by trying to put themselves in the visits position to get MORE. MONEY out of Japan. We are sick of this kind of begged mind with no shame as a man. If we are poor, but we cannot do the same thing like Koreans do since this is more than SHAME as a human. If we are to live in shame, we better to kill ourselves to protect our rights and human dignity. It seems like Korean has no shame in a way Japanese have in the high revel. People who got no shame and man dignity can be strong in a way since they do anything for money and they do not care what dirty things they do for the wrong desires. Oh, boy, do let us say this. Americans and Mr.Obama and politicians in US, please open up your eyes and see the real history now. And do what is right from the Gods eyes. We think US is our friend, so do not make us look down on you in a same shameless way to count as what K Orleans and Chinese are doing? You do not want to be counted as one of Koreans dirty propaganda side, do you? ! Koreans lie without shame, and this is the fact. God knows their lies. And we Japan NEVER EVER surrender on those lies, since they are against the real human rights and the real history and our goodwill inside. Thank you for reading.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 16:06:52 +0000

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