Jasper Ahmefula: THE IGBO NATION 2014 AND BEYOUND As - TopicsExpress


Jasper Ahmefula: THE IGBO NATION 2014 AND BEYOUND As children of the sun ( Umu Anyanwu ) we must wear the cloth of love for Igbo NATION first before anything else ,protection of our Mother must be written in our hearts as the first law . Exposing and shaming anti Igbo elements within us should be a task we must not abdicate . As I have said on numerous occasions a revolution of Igbo land has begun with the Anambara election . OMAMBALA / Anambra is the putative origin of Igbo world wide civilisations in ancient times and the sites of many spiritual sites ,many Which include the arrival of Eri and the kingship he began in Igbo land and the sacred river of omambala reputed for her spiritual cleansing and dubed isi miri (head of waters ) by her natives . It wasnt a coincident that Igbo political conciousness should kick start from there . For many of you who do not know that Anambra election means so much to the legions of anti Igbo elements in Nigeria. You need to be among Hausas and Yoruba to listen to their discussion , you would notice the passion and keen desire they show ,proving that the Anambra election is more than just an election . Winning Anambra would have watered the ground for their many hidden agenda Which include Islamization. The recent celebration of 17 Igbo men who converted to Islam at the Abuja mosque , and the donation of 5m naira to these men proves to you that Islamization of Igbo land remains their greatest ambitions and the quickest way to make that happen is to get her political elite to embrace it or be sympathetic to them .That is why Ngige means so much to that plan and why they would play any dirty game to have their way . Now some of you would be wondering why Igbo have this natural passion against Islam . Two factors are responsible for that , 1 . The Nigeria Biafra civil war were the Arab nation didnt hide their disdain against Biafra and even flew Nigeria war planes who were notorious for bombing civilians than Biafra army . 2 . Islam is very notorious for completely destroying peoples culture and indigenous traditions . The Hausa people are a very good example to how Islam is intolerant of other peoples true culture because Hausa no longer posses an indigenous culture it has been eroded perfectly by Islam . These two factors are the primary reasons why Igbo would continue to reject Islam . Igbo land is yet to recover from the menace christainty created in Igbo land so therefore cant accomodate a more dangerous religion as Islam within her . I personally cant stand the site of pretty Igbo women putting the hyjab and covering their body in the name of a disease religion . Having said these ,what should be the political thinking of the Igbo nation moving forward. The following points should be the law Which every Nwafo (true Igbo ) should engrave in his heart . 1. Love For mother land : Watching and defending Igbo land must be our eternal oath . Whatever we do and think Igbo land should register paramount in our minds . In our business dealings , social interaction , Education , Scientific discovery , Philoshophical thinking and religion Igbo land must be our first love . What Will bring her glory should be our concern . 2 Uniting other Igbo who live away from the hinterland of Igbo land : We must as a matter of necessity be seen defending our kins men who are mixed with other minorities . The Asaba ,Ikwere and Egbanke Igbo must feel that their brothers are protecting their interest at all times in the Nigeria polity . They should feel that brotherhood so as not to fall into the trap of our competitors propaganda to reject their Igboness . It is our isolation from them that has forced them to eat the forbidden fruit from our compertitors . Which has forced many to romance the idea that they do not belong to the larger Igbo society . They must be inclusive in all our political dealings . 3 Defending the rights of the minorities of the eastern region : Our cousins in the east namely Ibibio , Ekoi , Anang , Ijaw ,Ogoni ; Urohbo and Isoko must be factored in our plans . Regardless of the years of evil propaganda projected from the North and west our cousin still value our friendship because wishing their hearts they know they are better off with the Igbo than against them . We should also recorgnise that they are valuable for our territorial and political success with them we are more powerful than a nuclear weapon and more noiseir than a canon gun . We must create that win win relationship with them . A relationship built on harmony than superior thinking . Showing them that we love them and desire their success would go a long way to protect our mother lands from the virus of the North and west against our territory . 4 . Extending our hands across the Atlantic to relate with our DNA Diaspora descendants : One of the many complains I get from Diaspora Igbo descendants is the lack of friendship coming from Igbo land towards them . If we love Igbo land we must not neglect our Diaspora Igbo descendants no matter where they are . We should make a point of oath to improve our relationship with many of them and encourage those who desire to come home . I can tell you many are romancing the idea of return but we must show them we are ready for them . Besides it is our obligation considering what our ancestors did during the slave trade . We should consider opening many cultural centers across the Diaspora regions to teach them Igbo culture and traditions so we can return their dignity back to them which was stolen away from them by the Europeans . . 5. Support the Biafra movement : It is important that we continue to give our support to the Biafra independent movement . Regardless of the disagrement between groups for the Biafra dream ,Iam confident things Will get better . This support is also vital because we must continue to remind Nigerians that we have an option B as the Nigeria ship continue to sink . 6 . No matter what state or clan you come from you should take interest in what happens in other Igbo state because what affects one affect all . Iam imo or Anambara or Enugu should never factor in our love for Igbo land . Take interest in what happens in other Igbo territory . Isolation and non chalant attitudes should evaporate from our thinking , for such attitude wont help our cause even against our own Efulefu . In conclusion , these points should be the new law with should be engraved in our heart . We must also continue to to hold our political office holders to account ,failures Will no longer be welcomed Ka Chukwu Abaima na Ani gozie Ije anyi Isee .
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 18:10:39 +0000

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