Javier & Valdemar posted: Dear FRIENDS, beloved Terrestrial - TopicsExpress


Javier & Valdemar posted: Dear FRIENDS, beloved Terrestrial Mankind: The current and present TERRESTRIAL HUMAN BARBARITY STATE. ITS DEPRAVITY, DEGENERATION AND CORRUPTION. IT IS A RESPONSIBILITY OF ALL OF US, EARTH INHABITANTS! Some people for have done and are doing this madness, human less crimes and atrocities against and over our beloved innocent and defenseless children, women, men, and living creatures on Earth. And the rest of us, for let them did and do this, and this barbarity and madness happen on our beloved mother planet. ISRAEL IS WORST TERRORIST STATE ON EARTH 1. Kill Everyone 2. Steal Everything, 3. Ignore All Human Rights, 4. Ignore International Laws. “The worst terrorist States on Earth, both are associates, And are partners on Evil, ISRAEL & ISIS.” ISRAEL - THE WORLDS BIGGEST TERRORIST STATE! Tim Y https://youtube/watch?v=pHpm85hsUE8 KEN OKEEFE ON RT – PALESTINE & THE SO-CALLED TWO-STATE SOLUTION KEN OKEEFE https://youtube/watch?v=kyXfaWaLAnw The PSYCHOLOGISTS FIRM WHO WAS PAID US$81 MILLION TO TEACH THE CIA HOW TO TORTURE....Head of them, Mr. James E. Mitchell, he is not the only responsible for that, HE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE! IMPORTANT NOTE: There is some mistake for the statement that above Psychos’ firm who has “ taught” to CIA how to torture…because the masters how to torture, mass murder and deprivation over human beings on Earth is the Catholic Church and its assassins-mercenary armies, the JESUITS. They have plenty experience on that, more than 2,000 years of full experience, with millions of crimes-murders and tortures done and doing against our innocent and defenseless children, women, men and living creatures all over the world. And even more, the JESUITS have created the CIA in the USA. So, this above mentioned argument and publication is wrong at all. This publication seems to be wrong, but deliberately exposed. In my opinion this is one more of the CIA black operations of washing money or legal stealing of money from the American State by the CIA and their henchmen. JESUIT ORDER - UNITED STATES UNDER SIEGE - VATICAN NAZIS RELIGIOUSMATRIX https://youtube/watch?v=bu6UY7KRHYs As what happened with Adolph Hitler on Germany and its human annihilation camps. He also was not the ONLY ONE... HOLOCAUST TARGETS. S J P https://youtube/watch?v=RvIgMKuLYY0 As what is happening in our present and current Times, the New Age Era, when American Empire is taking 7-Arab-Muslim Countries with vast resources of OIL in 5-years, as they have planned, and be accused by their honest and brave General . 1. GEN. WESLEY CLARK, DEMOCRACY NOW! INTERVIEW, 2007. JEREPAH https://youtube/watch?v=bSL3JqorkdU U.S. STATE AND CIA WAR OF TERROR ON EARTH “All we want to do is invade your country, Drone strike your women and children, Steal your natural resources and Install a vassal king. Who will be useful to our imperial ambitions. And then call you a terrorist If you resist. USA EVIL EMPIRE And what is happening at nowadays too with crazy and fanatic assassins the ISIS, the degenerated Islamic Estate and their bunch of blind-out of mind followers-mercenaries, and their insane religious war of terror against all world nations. THE COVERT ORIGINS OF ISIS. StormCloudsGathering https://youtube/watch?v=oMjXbuj7BPI THE TRUE RESPONSIBILITY FOR TERRESTRIAL HUMAN BARBARISM, depravity, corruption and degeneration, which gone into a cruelest and inhuman civilization and poorest state and level of human conscience on Earth, IT IS FROM ALL OF US. Someone for done them, and who are doing these inhuman degeneration, crimes and barbarism... And the others, the rest of us, for let them and these become to happen. THE PRESENT AND CURRENT TERRESTRIAL HUMAN EDUCATION SYSTEM has placed on the weak minds and poor consciences of our beloved children, women and men over this planet WRONG, FALSE and DISTORTED TEACHINGS AND KNOWLEDGE. All of them are going against UNIVERSAL LAWS AND COMMANDMENTS. TERRESTRIAL HUMANKIND HAS BROKEN THE NATURAL PROCESS OF HUMAN UNIVERSAL LIFE ON EARTH! So logically and consequently what we obtain it is our own self-destruction of Terrestrial Human Generations, one after other, and the destruction of Life itself, on this lovely and beautiful blue planet on SOL-System. And all this is happening due to the insane and erroneous Education Established and Received over this world by its own degenerated and stupid inhabitants, mostly: Then what it results from this madness, it is a consequence of LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. If we do bad things and wrong actions we receive them back. Need to STOP THE WRONG AND MENDACIOUS HUMAN EDUCATION on this planet. When I have appealed for your kind support and donation to help me to fulfill my goals and project to complete my researching, print and publish for some of my Educational Texts and Books for our beloved human people on Earth: 1st. ABOUT CATASTROPHIC CONSEQUENCES OF CLIMATE DESTRUCTION... 2nd. ABOUT TRUE EDUCATION ON EARTH, ON TRUE LOVE, WISDOM, TRUTH, AND LAWS & COMMANDMENTS OF CREATION for our beloved and top-important necessary Human Evolution on Creation Laws, Love and Life, And to the many others, which I have in mind and hand-writing. Only 2 of my more than 1,000 thousand friends were able to accept to support me, then it is easy to deduct that many of you, Terrestrial Human BEINGS, just you are thinking or believing that all these insane and depravity will never touch your own lives and beloved people... BUT YOU ARE WRONG! Everything is interconnected over this planet, and in whole Universe. What whether it happens with our beloved children, women and men, and living creatures on this planet, this will have direct and indirect consequences over all of you – ALL OF US -, sooner or later, and this is a CREATIONAL LAW. I repeat all, WE, TERRESTRIAL HUMAN BEINGS, ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS SITUATION WHAT WAS DONE AND WHAT IS HAPPENING OVER THIS PLANET. If you are not able to support and donate to my project in order I can complete my researching, to print and publish my Educational Books-texts for our beloved children, women and men over this planet. No matter! I will do this sooner or later, with or without your help. Because this is my mission of life over this world. But, PLEASE SPREAD THE TRUTH, THE TRUE TRUTH: SILENT R-EVOLUTION FULL DOCUMENTARY THE BILLY MEIER STORY (AS PRESENTED BY MICHAEL HORN) RAY STAR https://youtube/watch?v=4HCesKzC_JE Please let and help to our beloved, your people, children, women, men, and our dear living creatures over this world, SHOULD KNOW, READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND about THE MOST IMPORTANT HUMAN EVENT HAPPEN ON EARTH HISTORY: THE BILLY MEIER CASE, FIGU.org, TheyFly, this will be your goal, which will not cost any money to you. Saalome
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 23:05:52 +0000

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