Jay Carlisle I am on right track now ? Now Professor I would like - TopicsExpress


Jay Carlisle I am on right track now ? Now Professor I would like to point out that no one is measuring Torque. I did understand Torque to be a critical factor. When giving introduction speech. & safety briefing I state That Armwrestlimg is like drag racing. A small block engine with less HP can beat a big block- Because I can adapt car for correct Ft lbs at wheel for max performance. Another words I can teach you how correctly apply all youve got to improve performance . And THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR CUBIC INCHES CID. I can put N2O & Blower on a big car too Thanks so much for you time . My goal is develope a Solid researched safety guide. & Teaching Aid- That this group agrees on . hey Im not trying to teach tou fellows In this Group Sir. This is the greatest think rank of arm wrestlers in the world. I am being aggressive so YOU GUYS DO CORRECT ME . I want to distribute this program through The American Legion. I have gone through proper channels , from local post, to state director to AL National Comaander supports this idea & has instructed me to compete my Training Peogram, Varsity Sponsorshio Program to make available to all 15,000 American Legion Posts & That that I have support from National Office to Promote this Program through all fifty states & also at the 250 American Leguon Posts outside the USA in 67 different Coyntries. I am a non-profit self funded program. I sell nothing ask for INLY FOR TIMR & BROTHERHOOD- VOLUNTEERS TO TEACH MY VETS- MY VETS OFFER Each American Legion Post to Host Practices & Evenrs - where we ALREADY HAVE SOORTS INSURANCE FOR BSAEBALL SOFTBALLL VILLEY BALL BOWLING SHOOTING ARCHEY & SCHOLARSHIPS - COLLEGE SHILARSHIPS IMAGINE WHAT A BOOST THAT COULD GIVE US WHEN I SECECURE A SHOLARSHIP- ALSO I ACCEPT NO ADS - NO DUES- I IFFER FREE PLANNING ASSISATNCE TO ALL & ALL I PROMISE TO DO I PAY FOR MYSELF. That me . Im a disabled Vet - I dont give a shit about any of these companies - I hope that All make money Ill show them all how to make More$- expand market add- WORK AS A CO-OP TO HELP EACH OTHER SUCEED. More Pullers at others Events with Boost your own Numbers. I will help those wish are trying to start a shoestring businesses. How get going with little OR NO CASH- How create revenues for small Events- HOW MALE A PRESENTATION FOR A LARGER ONE- To help anyone WHO PROMOTES SAFETY & TO ACT AS AN INDEPENDENT NEWS NETWORK HUB- TO NOT ONLY ADVERTISE UP COMING EVENTS WORLDWIDE- BUT TO POSTS RESULTS TO OF EVERY EVENT- TO WORK WITH ALL PROMOTORS TO DEVELOP A NEWS RELEASE NETWORK HUB. HEY WW MAY NOT GET TJE BIG PAPERS HOWEVER WITH A PROPER WEEKLY EVENT RESULTS REPORT- I can Go to EACH PLAYERS Hometown/ County Mews Paper & Because The Loval Know the Other Other locals --- UT IS NEWS IN SMALL TOWN GAZETTE- SCHOLL PAPERS- COLLEGES NEWS LETTERS- EACH BAR (almost) Now Has a Website- WE MUST POST YOUR EVENT TJER- & THEN THE RESULTS TOO - GIVE YOUR SPONSORS THEIR MONEY WORRH OF ADVERTISING WILL ACTIVELY WORK WITH ANYONE I PERSONALLY DEEM TO BE HOSTING UNSAFE , I will Voice MY OPINION- Offer training/ options Practices to offer free help to protect my SISTERS& BRIOTHERS IN IN ARMS- THOSE WHO REFUSE TO COMPLY TO THE SAFETY STANDARDS DEEMED BY THE USAF president James R. -aPRESIDENT USAF - I WILL WORK TO SHUT DOWN - PROTEST & LOBBY FOR SAFETY- BOYCOTT WHAT CANNOT NOTBE CHANGED. jay
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 18:09:00 +0000

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