Jaya Guru Datta. We just discussed that an idle mind needs to be - TopicsExpress


Jaya Guru Datta. We just discussed that an idle mind needs to be put to work. Along those lines, one must study good books and scriptures. One must read them to others. Study and help others study. Do chanting and meditation. Do Pranayama. All these are niyamas (rules). Why do we have niyamas? These are a lesson to the intellect and the Indriyas (sense organs). It is futile to ask “Should it be done only at this hour?” “Should it only be like this?” We need to teach lessons to and train the Indriyas and the intellect. Due to this, the intellect will be purified and the solutions to your problems will become clear to you. You will be able to think of the solutions yourself. A mind that is calm and engaged in good work can absorb Vedanta. Even in difficult times, Vedanta can be absorbed. For example, Bhagavad Gita was taught to Arjuna during a life-endangering moment in the battle, wasn’t it? Arjuna listened with single-minded concentration, grasped the truth and carried out his duty. After that, during the time the Pandavas were ruling the kingdom, Arjuna said to Krishna who was seated on the plank of a swing thus, “Brother-in-law, in that chaos, you taught me something. I cannot remember it very clearly. Please give me Upadesa (teaching) again”. Krishna replied, “Arjuna, Upadesa is something that should always be contemplated on. It is not something you should plan on thinking about when you have some leisure or procrastinate contemplation indefinitely into the future. Moreover, whatever I say now will be different from what I said then. Still, out of love for you, out of love for my disciple, I’ll tell you again, listen”. Krishna gave the Upadesa again. But now, Arjuna did not have time. Various officials and administrators were frequently coming and asking questions in between. Arjuna was listening to the Upadesa while responding to their questions. How can that work? This Upadesa can be found in Mahabharata by the name Anu-Gita. The complete essence of Bhagavad Gita has been described in this. After listening to everything, Arjuna said that the first Gita was much better. What was the reason? Arjuna was not able to listen with concentration this time. That is because he had greater accountability. He had the responsibility of the kingdom. He had the responsibility of managing various affairs of the kingdom. That is why, he was unable to concentrate here. Instead, he concentrated on matters of the kingdom. Therefore, for Upadesa, the disciple’s mind is more important than the external environment. When the man is in sorrow, he must be taught Vedanta. When he is going through good times, he should recall the Upadesa he received during difficult times. That recollection should increase day after day. In times of difficulty, the Guru should be remembered. One should talk to him (Guru). In good times, one should serve the Guru even more. In good times, one will gain knowledge along with Pragnya. What is Pragnya? It is the desire to find out. In difficult times, that will not be there. Therefore, Upadesa is necessary during good times as well as bad. Good disciples should wish along these lines. We always remember the Upadesa received during difficult/sorrowful times. On the other hand, the Upadesa received during good times is often lost. That is what happened to Arjuna. He remembered well the Upadesa received during difficult times. But, he is unable to understand well the Upadesa received now, during good times. Jaya Guru Datta. Sri Guru Datta.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 17:05:19 +0000

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